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检测样品 肉制品

检测项目 营养成分

关联设备 共4种 下载方案


北京天翔飞域仪器设备有限公司 近红外技术部 Tel: 010 60273439, Fax: 010 52262665 sale9@tenovolab.cn


... bringing you the Next generation of analysers Press Release MultiScan Series 3000 Food Analyser Rapid analysis of food and food ingredients can be provided using the new MultiScan series 3000Food Analyser. Based on a diode array Near Infrared Transmission spectrometer, the Series 3000uses a rotating dish to collect scans from a sample of food by passing NIR light through thesample. The transmitted light passes onto a spectrograph where the light is separated into theNIR spectrum from 720-1100nm. The separated light is detected using a silicon diode arraydetector to generate the absorbance spectrum. Within this region of the NIR spectrum, protein(N-H), water (O-H) and fat (C-H) bonds absorb light energy in proportion to the concentration ofeach component. The Series 3000 Food Analyser is best suited for measuring protein, moisture and fat in foods thatcontain high levels of water and fat, e.g., raw meat, processed meats, cheese, cream, creamcheese, yogurt, ice cream, dough and batter, confectionery and fondants. The Series 3000 canalso be used for some powders such as milk powder, flour, corn starch, sugar and other opaquepowders. Other components can also be measured using this Series 3000. The new Series 3000 Food Analyser includes a built in touch screen and PC. Running a programcalled Analysis, the system's operation is designed to be simple yet offering the power of aWindows based software package where spectra, trend plots and running tables can be displayeddirectly on the screen. Data can be stored in the PC and then transferred to other computersusing a USB memory device. The Series 3000 offers a relatively small footprint of 450mmx 300mm and has a front loading sample draw to reduce thebench space required even less. The rotating sample drawercan collect up to 30 scans from a sample with either a 5mmor 10mm pathlength or a 90mm diameter petri dish. NTASchemometrics software suite is included in the system andcalibrations are installed for many common food products. For further information, please contact 北京天翔飞域仪器设备有限公司Tel: 010 60273439, Fax: 010 52262665Email: victorsim@vip.163.com

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北京天翔飞域科技有限公司为您提供《肉质食品解决方案》,该方案主要用于肉制品中营养成分检测,参考标准《暂无》,《肉质食品解决方案》用到的仪器有脂肪测定仪 -SOXTEST- (索氏抽提法)、Series S3000 近红外食品分析仪、全自动凯氏定氮仪、肉质切面积扫描仪SCAN-STAR。


