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检测样品 基础有机原料

检测项目 稳定性

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L-8900全自动氨基酸分析仪是进行氨基酸分离、衍生和检测的全自动化专用分析仪器,广泛用于医药、食品、饲料、农业、育种、医学研究和地质考察等领域。 L-8900全自动氨基酸分析仪是根据柱后衍生原理设计而成,分为水解蛋白分析系统和生理体液分析系统,符合国际标准和国际仲裁标准。L-8900全自动氨基酸分析仪是集日立公司四十年氨基酸分析仪生产技术和专业知识的巅峰之作。为适应氨基酸分析的需要,L-8900采用专为氨基酸分析研制的微量输液泵、检测器、反应柱、分离柱等部件,这些都极大地提高了氨基酸分析的灵敏度、检出限和重复性。


HITACHIInspire the NextTechnical ReportAS/AAA-015 High-speed Amino Acid Analyzer Stability of Glutamine and Tryptophan In the commercially available mixed standard sample solution used for the amino acidanalysis, glutamine (GluNH2) and tryptophan (Trp) that are considered unstable are notincluded. For the quantitative analysis of those, an analyst adds the separately preparedGluNH2 or Trp standard solution to the commercially available mixed standard sample.Then, to adjust the pH close to that of the mobile phase, the dilution with dilutehydrochloric acid is performed for the analysis. This time, the solution for dissolving GluNH, and Trp to be added and the storage methodwere studied. As a result, the stability was found to be different depending on thecomponents, and the study results are introduced here. L-8900 High-speed AminoAcid Analyzer Verification Method for Stability Table 1 Analytical Conditions (1) Weigh 7.3 mg of GluNH2 and 10.2 mg of Trp (2)Make up the volume to 20 mL with dilutehydrochloric acid (20 mmol/L HCI) or ultrapurewater to prepare the 2.5 pmol/mL solution 3))Store at 4°C or -20°C(4))Perform the step (1) to (3) every 2 weeks (5)After 12 weeks, dilute the solutions that hadbeen prepared with dilute hydrochloric acid to0.1 umol/mL 6) Analyze Column #2622PH 4.6 mm I.D. ×60 mm Guard column #2619 4.0 mml.D. x5 mm Ammonia filtercolumn #2650L 4.6mm l.D. x 40 mm Mobile phase MCI buffer L-8500 PH-Kit* Flow rate 0.40 mL/min Column temperature 57°C Reaction reagent Ninhydrin coloring solution kit for Hitachi* Reaction reagentflow rate 0.35 mL/min Reaction temperature 135°C Detection wavelength VIS 440 nm, 570 nm Injection vol. 20 pL Figure 1 Verification Method * Supplier: Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd. Change When Stored at -20°℃ After Dissolving with Dilute Hydrochloric Acid Figure 2 Chromatogram of StandardSample Immediately After Storage Figure 3 Chromatogram of StandardSample After 12 Weeks Change When Stored at 4C After Dissolving in Ultrapure Water Comparison of Changes Over Time for Different Solutions and Storage Temperatures Based on the peak area obtained immediately after dissolving in ultrapure water, the area ratios (%) were determined. The concentration of glutamine dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid decreased gradually.However, the change wassuppressed when ultrapure water was used for the dilution (Figure 6). / For tryptophan, regardless of the solutions and storage temperatures, no significant change was observed (Figure 7). Dissolved in ultrapure water, Stored at -20°℃ Dissolved in ultrapure water, Stored at 4°C )Dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid, Stored at-20°℃ Dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid, Stored at 4°C Figure 6 Variation with Time for Glutamine )Dissolved in ultrapure water, Stored at -20℃Dissolved in ultrapure water, Stored at 4°C)Dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid, Stored at-20°C'Dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid, Stored at 4℃ Figure 7 Variation with Time for Tryptophan NOTE: These data are an example ofmeasurement; the individual values cannot be guaranteed. @Hitachi High-Tech Science Corporation Page. Page.http://www.hitachi-hitec-science.comCHitachi High-Tech Science Corporation

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