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活体细胞成像应用的理想选择 在显微镜上充分培养条件 优秀的样品照明 因为具有加热盖,无冷凝 最佳磁性样本稳定 兼容所有的显微镜平台 适合每一个倒置显微镜 灵活适合所有ibidi μ-盖,ibidi μ-盘,多孔板,和非ibid版式 低成本 完整系统的有吸引力定价


mBio,2014,10.1128/mBio.01850-14 ibidi Heating and Incubation System mentioned in publications: Cutting off the power: inhibition of leukemia cell growth by pausing basal ATP release andP2X receptor signaling? C. Ledderose, T. Woehrle, S. Ledderose, K. Strasser, R. Seist, Y. Bao, J. Zhang and W. JungerPurinergic Signalling, 2016, 10.1007/s11302-016-9510-y read abstract Accelerated actin filament polymerization from microtubule plus ends J. Henty-Ridilla, A. Rankova, J. Eskin, K. Kenny and B. Goode Science, 2016, 10.1126/science.aaf1709 read abstract Time-Resolved Study of Nanoparticle Induced Apoptosis Using Microfabricated Single CellArrays P. Rottgermann, K. Dawson and J. Radler Microarrays, 2016, 10.3390/microarrays5020008 read abstract Kinetics of sickle cell biorheology and implications for painful vasoocclusive crisis E. Du, M. Diez-Silva, G. Kato, M. Dao and S. Suresh Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015, 10.1073/pnas.1424111112read abstract Wavelet transform analysis of chromatin texture changes during heat shock G. Herbomel, A. Grichine, A. Fertin, A. Delon, H. VOURC, C. Souchier and Y. UssonJournal of microscopy,2015, 10.1111/jmi.12363 read abstract Stability analysis of chemically modified mRNA using micropattern-based single-cellarrays M. Ferizi,C. Leonhardt,C. Meggle, M. Aneja, C. Rudolph, C. Plank and J. Radler Lab on a Chip, 2015, 10.1039/C5LC00749F read abstract Regulatory T Cell-Derived Adenosine Induces Dendritic Cell Migration through the Epac-Rap1 Pathway S. Ring,A. Pushkarevskaya,H. Schild, H. Probst, V. Jendrossek, F. Wirsdorfer, C. Ledent, S.Robson, A. Enk and K. Mahnke The Journal of Immunology,2015, 10.4049/jimmunol.1401434 read abstract Characterization of a Replication-Incompetent Pseudorabies Virus Mutant Lacking theSole Immediate Early Gene IE180 B. Wu,E. Engel and L. Enquist read abstract Expression of the oestrogen receptor GPER by testicular peritubular cells is linked to sexual maturation and male fertility F. Sandner, H. Welter, J. U. Schwarzer, F. M. Kohn, H. F. Urbanski and A. MayerhoferAndrology, 2014, 10.1111/j.2047-2927.2014.00243.x read abstract Cell surface engineering using glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchored tissue inhibitor ofmatrix metalloproteinase-1 stimulates cutaneous wound healing R. Djafarzadeh, C. Conrad, S. Notohamiprodjo,S. Hipp, H. Niess, C. Bruns and P. Nelson Wound Repair and Regeneration, 2014, 10.1111/wrr.12132 read abstract Enhanced quantitative phase imaging in self-interference digital holographic microscopyusing an electrically focus tunable lens R. Schubert, A. Vollmer, S. Ketelhut and B. Kemper Biomedical Optics Express, 2014, 10.1364/BOE.5.004213 read abstract Arraying Cell Cultures Using PEG-DMA Micromolding in Standard Culture Dishes A.-K. Marel, S.Rappl, A. Piera Alberola and J. O. 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Envir.Microbiol., 2008, 10.1128/aem.01233-08read abstract 活体细胞成像的加热阶段独立控制,被加热的ibidi加热和培养系统的玻璃盖解决了活体细胞成像时产生冷凝的难题。通过加热盖子至一个比金属板高的温度,创建一个垂直温度梯度,这种梯度和活跃的湿度控制防止在培养皿盖上形成冷凝水,在细胞的位置的温度保持在一个恒定的37 °C。ibidi 气体培养系统对氧气和二氧化碳精确可靠的气体培养灵敏和快速加湿-没有蒸发使用加压气体产生气流——无震动可供选择的空气压力发生器(对于不能获取加压空气时)实验样品血管生成研究中的管形成研究显微镜用于调查的管形成过程。根据感兴趣的焦点,这可以通过使用视频显微镜(一个连续的影像),也可以通过观察在不同的时间点的图像来完成。该ibidi加热和培养系统在整个试验期间中在培养箱内提供了卓越的温度稳定性

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