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Agilent 6120B中单四极杆应用检测方案(液质联用仪)

检测样品 其他

检测项目 单四极杆应用

关联设备 共1种


Reliable and easy - to - use instrumentation for compound identification as well as purity checking are required during drug discovery and development. The Agilent 6120B Single Quadrupole hardware and software are ideal to support Walkup LC/MS methods for analyzing small molecules and biomolecules in a multi - user environment. A simp lified software interface combined with robust hardware gives nonexpert users the confidence to perform high quality and reliable LC/MS analysis. Agilent MassHunter Walkup Software provides automated email reports, which allows the user to receive the r esults in an organized manner at their desk. This Application Note discusses key hardware and software features of the 6120B Single Quadrupole Walkup system, and its practical use for applications including the analysis of chemic al libraries




安捷伦科技(中国)有限公司为您提供《 Agilent 6120B中单四极杆应用检测方案(液质联用仪)》,该方案主要用于其他中单四极杆应用检测,参考标准《暂无》,《 Agilent 6120B中单四极杆应用检测方案(液质联用仪)》用到的仪器有Agilent 6100系列 LC/MS 单四极杆液质联用系统。


