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检测项目 药物成分分布

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Raman image has been obtained with confocal SERS microspectroscopy from a single, live K562 cancer cells treated with an anticancer drug mitoxantrone, at a concentration of 10-7 M. SERS spectra have been recorded from the inside of the cell in which silver colloidal particles have been introduced to generate the SERS effect. The potential of confocal SERS microspectroscopic imaging at the single cell level is very important for the selective analysis of drugs inside these cells.


Raman image has been obtained with confocal SERS microspectroscopy from a single, live K562 cancer cells treated with an anticancer drug mitoxantrone, at a concentration of 10-7 M. SERS spectra have been recorded from the inside of the cell in which silver colloidal particles have been introduced to generate the SERS effect.  The potential of confocal SERS microspectroscopic imaging at the single cell level is very important for the selective analysis of drugs inside these cells.  




