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NPL标准物质Inconel 600和黄铜中导热性能检测方案(导热仪)


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Measurements at temperatures up to 700 oC are possible with specially designed MICA insulated Nickel sensors. In this application note an Inconel 600 sample, certified by National Physics Laboratory (NPL) in the UK and a brass sample from an industrial maker were measured with the Hot Disk Thermal Constants Analyser. A thick-muffle furnace was used for heating the samples.


Application note nr.6From Hot Disk Applications The leader in transient techniques Thermal Conductivity measurements on an NPL certified Inconel 600 sample and brasssample at high temperatures with the Hot Disk Thermal Constants Analyser High Temperature MeasurementsThe Hot Disk Thermal Const-ants Analyser comes with a widerange of high temperatureaccessories such as thecirculating bath, furnace and Measurements at temperatures up to 700℃ are possible with specially designed MICAinsulated Nickel sensors. In this application note an Inconel 600 sample, certified by NationalPhysics Laboratory (NPL) in the UK and a brass sample from an industrial maker weremeasured with the Hot Disk Therma Constants Analyser. A thick-muffle furnace was used forheating the samples. The measurements on the Inconel 600 sample were carried out with the followingmeasurement parameters and a MICA insulated sensor S/N 4921 (9.7 mm radius). furnace with insert for controlledatmospheres. The furnaces and the circulatingbaths are fully automaticallycontrolled via the PC makinghigh temperature measurementsvery easy and time efficient.Power, measurement time,number of measurements at eachtemperature step, samplerelaxation time and temperatureprecision are pre-programmed foreach temperature step with theeasy-to-follow software. Aftersetting up the measurements andstarting the sequence, the PCtakes over full control and carriesout all the measurementsautomatically. Temperature Repetitions Power Measurement Temperature C1 [W] time [s] precision [C] 22 3 20 0.5 150 5 1 20 0.7 300 5 20 0.7 450 5 20 0.6 600 5 20 0.5 The measurements on the brass sample was carried out with these parameters (same sensor). the sensor and sample holder The main reason for the shorter measurement time and the higher power is that the diffusivityof the brass sample is substantially higher than for the Inconel 600 sample. About the Hot Disk instrumentThe Hot Disk Thermal ConstantsAnalyser is a system designed toconveniently measure the thermaltransport properties of a sample,i.e. thermal conductivity andthermal diffusivity. From theseresults specific heat can bederived. The system is based on apatented Transient Plane Source(TPS) technique, which can beused to study materials withthermal conductivities from0.005 to 500 W/mK and coveringa temperature range from 30 to1000K. The following modes ofoperation are available with theHot Disk instrument 1)1Basic method: The sensor issandwiched between 2sample pieces. This methodalso features a single sidedoption. 2)Thin Film method: Aspecial extremely sensitivesensor is sandwichedbetween 2 pieces of the film(10-500um). 3)Slab method: For highlyconducting materials (>10W/mK like SiC, Cu etc.). 4)Anisotropic method: Thismethod measures theanisotropic thermalconductivity and diffusivityin 2 directions of a uni-axialsample. 5)Cp: Determines Cp of solidsamples. For more information, pleasevisit www.hotdisk.se or contactHot Disk AB in Sweden. Results for the Inconel 600 sample The Hot Disk measured values are compared with the values provided by NPL below.Standard deviations are given in %. Temp TC TC [C] [W/mK] [W/mK] Hot Disk NPL 22 12,97 (2.5%) 150 14,71(0.4%) 14.8 300 17,04(0.7%) 17.5 450 20,39 (0.4%) 20,2 600 23,35(2%) 23,9 The measurements on the brass sample illustrates the capacity of the Hot Disk ThermalConstants Analyser. A highly conducting sample is measured over a wide temperature intervalwith the same sensor commonly used for insulating materials. The only difference is that themeasurement time is shorter and the output power is higher. C Hot Disk AB Old NewBrunswick RoadSouth Tower, Suite Piscataway, NJ USA.Contact: Mr. Jay PatelPhone: +ax: +obile: + Hot Disk AB our Local Distributor:

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凯戈纳斯仪器商贸(上海)有限公司为您提供《NPL标准物质Inconel 600和黄铜中导热性能检测方案(导热仪)》,该方案主要用于铜中理化分析检测,参考标准《暂无》,《NPL标准物质Inconel 600和黄铜中导热性能检测方案(导热仪)》用到的仪器有Hot Disk热常数分析仪。

