
检测样品 其他粮食加工品

检测项目 浓度

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检测煮沸锅中的麦汁浓度是糖化车间人员的日常工作。 传统的检测方法是通过浮力式比重计测量麦汁比重。 现在Anton Paar提供更加便捷的检测方法。使用DMA35N便携式密度计 可非常方便的完成这一工作程序,大大提高了工作效率。


Laboratory Density & Concentration Measurement Wort Measurement Using the Portable DMA 35n Density Meter Introduction The measurement of wort concentration in thewort kettle is part of the daily quality controlroutine in the brew house. Traditionally, this measurement has been doneusing fragile glass hydrometers("saccharometers"). Now, the portable, robustand fast DMA 35N Density Meter is available,giving a final result directly on a large display. No temperature correction andzero pointcalibration is required, the full range of 0 to 100% Plato is covered by a single instrument. Measuring principle Density is measured by a hollow, oscillating U-tube. The frequency of vibration of the U-tube isdirectly related to the density of the liquidsample. Temperature is measured at the same time, andtheinstrument automaticallyy fperforms thetemperature correction. Measured data canbee savedmanuallyorautomatically in the memory. Adjustment The instrument is pre-adjusted before shipment.Re-adjustment is easily performed with distilledwater, and may be required every couple ofweeks. Measurements 2 to 5 ml of sample are introduced into theinstrument simply by pushing and releasing thepump button. Within a few seconds the result can be read fromthe large digital display, and storedinthememory. Tilting the instrument slightly to the left whensampling eliminates problems with bubbles. For continuous measurements, one flush withnew sample is recommended. If there are breaksin-between measurements, flushing with water to0% Plato is advisable. By the end of the workday rinsing with istandard lab cleaning agent (e.g. Mucasol 3%)Is necessary. Accessories An infrared interface port with RS 232 cableconnection allows data transfer to a printer orcomputer. Reference method Plato saccharometers are usedas; standardequipment in thebrewhouseeiand in thelaboratory. sSeveral saccharometers arenecessaryto cover thee entire concentrationrange. The glass saccharometers are very fragile, andglass fragments and poisonous mercury cancreate hazardous situations. Additionally,tthe zero-pointcorrection bycalibration with pycnometer or densitometer istime-consuming and a possible source of errors. Reading the meniskus of the saccharometer maysometimes be difficult and inaccurate. Application Note Features and benefits Literature mLLarge, easy to read digital display Carlsberg Test Report, August 1998 AAutomatic temperature correction Instruction Handbook DMA 35N One instrument for 0 to 100 % Plato Small sample volume of 2 to 5 ml Uncertainty of measurement 0.001 (0.25% Plato) g/cm mMemory for 1024 results lrInterface for data transfer to computer or printer FRobust construction Comparative test DMA 35N versus saccharometers shows very good agreement of the methods: FIELD TEST Saccarometer vs. DMA35n X-ray structure analysisMicrohardness testingHigh-precisiontemperature measurementCO measurementColloid sciencePage of XDLIA.docAnton Paar GmbHInstruments for:Anton-Paar-Str. A-Graz, Austria -EuropeconcentrationmeasurementRheometry andviscometryTel: + Fax: +-mail: info@anton-paar.comWeb: www.anton-paar.com XDLIA.docPage of

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安东帕(上海)商贸有限公司为您提供《麦汁中浓度检测方案(密度计)》,该方案主要用于其他粮食加工品中浓度检测,参考标准《暂无》,《麦汁中浓度检测方案(密度计)》用到的仪器有安东帕Anton Paar便携式密度计DMA 35。


