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检测项目 理化分析

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analytikjenaAGanalytical solutions 10/2003 AA_FI_08_03e Short Application Flame-AAS Determination of Na, K, Ca, and Mg in animal feed Experimental The samples were prepared according to the investigation instruction for animal feed(Ashing and dissolvation in HCI) and were measured with the novAA 400F. To minimize matrix effects, the samples and the calibration standards for thedetermination of all elements were added with 0.2 % CsCI/LaCle. Method parameter Element Wavelengthsnm Slitnml Flametype Gas flowburner [I/h] Burnerangle[] Burner heightmm Na*K*CaMg 589.0766.5422.7 C2H2/ Air 60 00 C2H2/ AirC2H2/ Air 6060 285.2 0.5 C2H2/Air 70 0 7 *Measurements of emission (AM by Na with 1.0 mg/l, AM by K with 1.5 mg/l) Calibration Na Standard calibration Conc. of the calibration standards 0.10/ 0.20/0.30/0.40/0.50 mg/I Nain 0.4 % HCI, 0.2 % CsCI/ LaCls 1 blind cycle/ 4 measurement cycles Repeating build of mean, non-linear calibration curve K Standard calibration Conc. of the calibration standards 0.30/0.60/ 0.90/1.20/ 1.50 mg/I K in 0.4%HCI, 0.2%CsCl/ LaCl3 1 blind cycle/ 4 measurement cycles Repeating build of mean, non-linear calibration curve 10/2003AA FI 08 03 e Ca Standard calibration Conc. of the calibration standards 1.0/ 2.0/ 4.0/8.0/ 12.0 mg/I Cain 0.4% HCI, 0.2 % CsCI/LaCls1 blind cycle/ 4 measurement cyclesRepeating build of mean, non-linear calibration curve Mg Standard calibration Conc. of the calibration standards 0.05/ 0.10/ 0.15/0.20/0.30 mg/I Mgin 0.4%HCI, 0.2%CsCI/ LaCls 1 blind cycle/ 4 measurement cycles Repeating build of mean, non-linear calibration curve Results Element Sample Dilution factor CertifiedConc.[g/kg] MeasuredConc.[g/kg] RSD %] Na K3 200 0.93(0.75-1.14) 1.02±0.03 0.3 K K3 200 7.09 (5.97-8.35) 7.40±0.04 0.6 Ca K3 20 6.29 (5.04-8.02) 6.21±0.04 0.2 Mg K3 200 1.58(1.40-1.77) 1.55±0.01 0.5 10/2003 AA FI 08 03 e Remark The determination of Na, K, Ca, and Mg in animal feed according to the dissolvationinstruction can be easily performed with flame AAS. During the determination the user should take care that the measurement solutionsmust contain lanthanum. In our experiments not containing lanthanum, lower findingscould be observed (e.g.: for Na and K) by special sample components like phosphateor others. For this investigation, no blind samples were delivered for the digestions. Therefore,and because of a small contamination of the used digestion solvent, the results couldbe improved, especially for Na and K. Stand

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