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With scanning electron microscope’s greater depth of focus compared to the optical microscope, features of various microorganisms ranging from bacteria to virus can be identified, such as their structure, morphology, and composition.


WINDOW FOR NANO WORLD with COXEM04 Overview With scanning electron microscope’sgreater depth of focus compared tothe optical microscope, features ofvarious microorganisms ranging frombacteria to virus can be identified, suchas their structure, morphology,andcomposition. Lactic Acid BacteriaIsolated from Soy sauce Proper sample preparation is important whenviewing lactic acid bacteria isolated fromsoy sauce. If soy sauce is naturally dried,lactic acid bacteria cannot be seen due to saltparticles. By incubating them in a culturemedium, bacteria can be imaged more clearly Wood Bio-chips Wood bio-chips, which act as home for thermopile microorganisms, are usedto turn food wastes into a fertilizer. Microorganisms reproduce in the chipsby decomposing food wastes in highly saline and acid environments. Thisso-called fermentation-extinction technology is patented to Land & HousingInstitute, Korea Land & Housing Corporation. Other Images Bacteria 3(x20,000) Virus (x50,000) With scanning electron microscope’s greater depth of focus compared to the optical microscope, features of various microorganisms ranging from bacteria to virus can be identified, such as their structure, morphology, and composition.

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