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检测样品 化药制剂

检测项目 机械性能

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ISO 9001ISO 140Bronkhorst High-Tech B.V. Nijverheidsstraat 1a,NL-7261 AK Ruurlo The NetherlandsT+31(0]573 45 88 00 F +31(0573458808I www.bronkhorst.com E info@bronkhorst.com LQU-FLOW Series L30 Digital Mass Flow Meters / Controllers for Liquids Bronkhorst High-Tech B.V., the European market leader in thermalMass Flow Meters/Controllers and Electronic Pressure Controllers.has many years experience in designing and manufacturing preciseand reliable measurement and control devices. With a wide rangeof instruments, Bronkhorst offers innovative solutions for manydifferent applications in many different markets. The instrumentsare made to customers'specification, in various styles, suitable foruse in laboratory, industrial environment, hazardous areas, semi-conductor processing or analytical equipment. > LIQUI-FLOWm series L30 Bronkhorst has been the pioneer in the field of micro to low flowliquid metering instruments based on a thermal measuring principle.The L30 digital LIQUI-FLOW" Mass Flow Meter was designed tocover the range between 2 and 20 kg/h (Full Scale) to expandfrom the product line of liquid flow meters/controllers with rangesdown to 75 mg/h FS. The L30 Mass Flow Meter is essentially a straight tube of 316Lstainless steel with a unique thin film thermopile sensor/heaterdesign, fixed to the outside of the tube. The sensor signal isobtained by measuring the power needed to maintain a constanttemperature rise of the fluid. In a formula this can be expressedas follows: AT=temperature difference Cp=specific heat = meter constant m= mass flow > Liquid flow control Flow control is achieved by integrating a control valve onto thebody of the Liquid Flow Meter. This control valve has a purgeconnection on top of the sleeve that enables easy elimination ofair or gas when starting up the system. The electronic controlfunction forms part of the normal circuitry in the liquid flow meter,so the need for an external controller is eliminated. > Multi-Bus technology Bronkhorst developed their latest digital instruments according tothe“multi-bus”principle. The basic pc-board on the instrumentcontains all of the general functions needed for measurement andcontrol. It has analog I/O-signals and also an RS232 connection asa standard feature. In addition there is the possibility of integratingan interface board with DeviceNetTM, PROFIBUS DP, Modbus-RTUor FLOW-BUS protocol. The latter is a fieldbus based on RS485,specifically designed by Bronkhorst for their mass flow meteringand control solutions. > General features LIQUI-FLOWMseries L30 ◆ no moving parts ◆tthru-flow measurement ◆ccompact control loop with control valve or pump suitable for liquids with low boiling points all metal seals >Digital features ◆[DeviceNetTM, PROFIBUS DP, Modbus-RTU or FLOW-BUS slave ◆FRS232 interface ◆(other fieldbus options on request ◆ alarm and counter functions > Fields of application ◆Semiconductor industry◆◆ Chemical industry Food & Pharmaceutical industry Packaging production and treatment > Models and flow ranges Measurement / control systemLiquid Mass Flow MetersAccuracy, standard :±1% FSModel min. flowmax. flow(based on actual calibration)L30 0,04...2 kg/h0,4...20 kg/hTurndown :2... 100%Reproducibility :±0,2% FS typical H,OLiquid Mass Flow ControllersSettling time [controller) : standard: 4...10 secondsModel min. flowmax. flowon request: 1...2 secondsL30C2I (Kv-max: 2,37x10) 0,04...2 kg/h0,4...20 kg/hMax. operating pressure : 100 barL30C5I (Kv-max:6,93x10) 0,04...2 kg/h0,4...20 kg/hPressure drop :35...350 mbar(based on 2 ... 20 kg/h H,0)Indicated ranges are based on H20Operating temperature : 5...70℃Temperature sensitivity : ±0,2% FS/℃Attitude sensitivity : negligible> DimensionsWarm-up time : 30 min. for optimum accuracy;3 min. for accuracy ±2% FSMechanical partsMaterial (wetted parts] :electropolished stainless steel 316L;LIQUI-FLOWother on requestProcess connections : 4"or 6 mm OD compression type orAV4"face seal male, orbitally welded;Bother on requestOuter seals : metallicValve seat (controllers) : Kalrez-6375;other on requestIngress protection (housing) :IP65IBrBronkhorst"Electrical propertiesPower supply :+15...24 VdcFlow MeterPower consumption : meter: max. 18,5 Watt;Model A B CHWeight (kg)controller: max. 22 WattL30 (1/4") 200 324 1006120 0,5Analog output/command : 0...5(10) Vdc or 0 (4)...20 mADimensions in mm.(sourcing output)Digital communication :standard: RS232options: PROFIBUS DP, DeviceNetM,Modbus-RTU, FLOW-BUSElectrical connectionC儿T日Analog/RS232/Power :8 DIN maleLIQUI-FLOWPROFIBUS DP :5-pin M12 femaleDeviceNetM : 5-pin M12 maleAModbus-RTU/FLOW-BUS :5-pin M12 maleCalibrationReferences : Traceable to international standardsLiquids :Standard calibration liquid:H,O;for other liquids apply to factoryronkhorsSystem : Precision laboratory balanowces“一KBTechnical specifications and dimensions subject to change without notice.Flow ControllersModel A EB3 C HKL Weight (kg)L30C2I (1/4"OD) 200 393 100 6120129 0,8200 393 100 6120114 1,0 L30C5I (1/4"OD) Dimensions in mm. 这些行业中有大量适用于1英寸管径或更大尺寸的液体超声波流量计应用,而且方案也很容易找到。但寻找更小管径尺寸的解决方案明显困难很多。传统超声波流量计适用多普勒效应或传输时间测量。实际上,这些技术仅适用于大孔径尺寸的应用。但是,用于流量低于1500 ml/min 甚至200 ml/min的超声波流量计情况如何呢?基于现实条件和技术复杂性,该特定流量区域不存在很多测量原理可选择,特别是超声波流量计。因此,巨大的挑战是在超小直径管中找到可以使用超声波的解决方法。Bronkhorst与TNO(荷兰应用科学研究组织)密切合作,成功开发了创新的超声波仪器。这项技术应用于新型ES-FLOW™系列产品,用于测量液体体积流量,流量范围从4到1500 ml/min,不受液体密度、温度和粘度影响,精度为1% of rate ± 1 ml/min。超声波技术是如何工作的?ES-FLOW™是一款基于超声波技术的流量计。在内径为1.3mm,无障碍物或死区的不锈钢直管中完成测量。传感器管外表面分布着多个圆盘形的能量转换器,其通过径向振荡产生超声波。每个转换器可以发送和接收,因此所有上行和下行组合都被记录和处理。通过精确测量每个记录之间的时间差(纳秒级别),来计算流体速度和声速。通过了解这些参数和精确的管路横截面,ES-FLOW™能实现液体体积流量的测量。该流量计的独特之处在于它能测量声音的实际速度,意味着该技术不受流体特性影响,无需使用实际流体来进行校准。此外,声速可以用作流量计中流体类型的指标。使用ES-FLOW™超声波流量计的四大原因:                                            1. 传感器适用多种液体许多公司需要对工艺条件进行调整,会使用到各种液体,如添加剂或溶剂。由于ES-FLOW™技术不受流体特性影响,因此变换液体无需重新校准。也可以测量非导电液体,例如除盐水。2. 易于清洁并降低堵塞风险清洗过程常是非常耗时的。由于传感器采用直管设计,无死区,降低颗粒堵塞仪器的几率。可在几分钟内完成清洁,因此停机时间是很短的。3. 对振动干扰不敏感因为不依赖于频率或旋转,超声波测量对振动不敏感。无论流体为层流还是湍流,都不影响测量的效果。4. 集成PID控制器,快速响应在电路板上集成的PID控制器可用于控制阀或泵,基于响应速度快,用户能够建立起一个完整、紧凑的控制回路。

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布琅轲锶特(上海)测量设备贸易有限公司为您提供《药品中低流量流体处理检测方案(气体流量计)》,该方案主要用于化药制剂中机械性能检测,参考标准《暂无》,《药品中低流量流体处理检测方案(气体流量计)》用到的仪器有EL-FLOW® Prestige质量流量计、ES-FLOW™低流量超声波液体流量计/控制器。


