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MA-3000直接燃烧法在食品行业测定红酒软木塞中总汞的应用 一些研究表明,在与环境相关的浓度和条件下,软木塞是一种有效的二价汞生物吸附剂。在初始汞浓度为500 μg/L时,只用25 mg/L的软木粉末即可达到94%的汞去除率。?葡萄酒瓶塞也被回收到其他消费品中,从葡萄酒中吸收的汞可能需要量化。汞对自然生态系统和人类都是危险的,因为它是剧毒的,特别是由于它能够破坏中枢神经系统。汞对人类在子宫内和儿童早期的发育构成特别的威胁。因此,为了防止汞中毒,有必要准确量化回收软木和有意用于汞修复的软木中的总汞量。 NIC公司 MA-3000是一款专用的直接汞分析仪,通过热分解、金汞齐化和冷原子吸收光谱有选择地测量几乎任何样品基质(固体、液体和气体)的总汞。MA-3000提供快速测试的结果,没有任何繁琐、耗时和复杂的样品制备过程。这是一个理想的解决方案,以满足当今实验室对简单,快速和准确的汞测量的需求。


PAGE 1 Application Note APPN-MA-3000-GENERAL-001 Total Mercury in Cork Stoppers Using Direct Mercury Analysis BACKGROUND In a 2014 study (Lopes, C.B., et al. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2014) 21:2108), it was shown that stopper-derived cork is an effectivebiosorbent towards bivalent mercury at environmentally relevant concentrations and conditions. Only 25 mg/L of cork powder was able toachieve 94% of mercury removal for an initial mercury concentration of 500 ug/L. When cork is employed for remediation, it is important toquantify the absorbed mercury. Wine corks are also recycled into other consumer products, where the mercury uptake from the wine mayneed to be quantified. Mercury is dangerous to both natural ecosystems and humans because it is highly toxic, especially due to its abilityto damage the central nervous system. Mercury poses a particular threat to human development in utero and in early childhood. Thus,to prevent mercury poisoning, it is necessary to accurately quantify total mercury in recycled cork and cork used intentionally for mercuryremediation. REFERENCES · WHO HP: http://www.who.int/ipcs/assessment/public_health/mercury/en/ · Research paper: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11356-013-2104-0 · FDAHP: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2005-title21-vol7/pdf/CFR-2005-title21-vol7-chapl-subchapG.pdf INSTRUMENT NIC MA-3000 is a dedicated direct mercury analyzer that selectively measures totalmercury by thermal decomposition, gold amalgamation and cold vapor atomic absorptionspectroscopy, on virtually any sample matrix - solid, liquid, and gas. The MA-3000 offersquick results without any tedious, time-consuming and elaborate sample preparationprocess. It is a perfect solution to today’s increasing laboratory demand for easy, fastand accurate mercury measurements. 背景一些研究表明,在与环境相关的浓度和条件下,软木塞是一种有效的二价汞生物吸附剂。在初始汞浓度为500 μg/L时,只用25 mg/L的软木粉末即可达到94%的汞去除率。葡萄酒瓶塞也被回收到其他消费品中,从葡萄酒中吸收的汞可能需要量化。汞对自然生态系统和人类都是危险的,因为它是剧毒的,特别是由于它能够破坏中枢神经系统。汞对人类在子宫内和儿童早期的发育构成特别的威胁。因此,为了防止汞中毒,有必要准确量化回收软木和有意用于汞修复的软木中的总汞量。仪器NIC公司 MA-3000是一款专用的直接汞分析仪,通过热分解、金汞齐化和冷原子吸收光谱有选择地测量几乎任何样品基质(固体、液体和气体)的总汞。MA-3000提供快速测试的结果,没有任何繁琐、耗时和复杂的样品制备过程。这是一个理想的解决方案,以满足当今实验室对简单,快速和准确的汞测量的需求。

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北京中科华星科贸有限公司为您提供《红酒软木塞,软木塞中汞检测方案(测汞仪)》,该方案主要用于饮料/酒类中重金属检测,参考标准《暂无》,《红酒软木塞,软木塞中汞检测方案(测汞仪)》用到的仪器有日本 NIC MA-3000燃烧法直接测汞仪。


