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MA-3000直接燃烧法在地矿行业测定氟化钙中总汞的应用 氟石(也称为萤石)是氟化钙 (CaF2) 的矿物形式,是一种具有观赏和工业用途的彩色矿物。在工业上,萤石用作熔炼和生产某些玻璃和搪瓷的助熔剂。最纯等级的萤石用于制造氢氟酸。光学透明的萤石透镜在紫外线显微镜和望远镜中很有价值。萤石是一种广泛存在的矿物,可以以脉状沉积物的形式存在,尤其是金属矿物,它通常形成脉石的一部分(其他更有价值的矿物存在于其中的周围主岩),并且可能与矿物有关朱砂(硫化汞,HgS)。因此,萤石会被汞污染,而萤石的加工和使用会导致环境汞污染。汞及其大部分衍生化合物是代谢毒物,会在水生食物链中生物累积,最终达到能够对陆地和水生生物造成神经和生殖损害的浓度。众所周知,汞也会在人类中进行生物积累,因此水生食物链中的生物积累会影响到人类群体,由于严重的中枢神经系统损伤,它对子宫内和儿童早期的发育构成特别威胁。因此,为防止汞中毒,必须准确量化萤石钙及其矿物前体中的总汞含量。 NIC公司 MA-3000是一款专用的直接汞分析仪,通过热分解、金汞齐化和冷原子吸收光谱有选择地测量几乎任何样品基质(固体、液体和气体)的总汞。MA-3000提供快速测试的结果,没有任何繁琐、耗时和复杂的样品制备过程。这是一个理想的解决方案,以满足当今实验室对简单,快速和准确的汞测量的需求。


PAGE 1 Application Note APPN-MA-3000-MINERAL-006 Total Mercury in Calcium Fluoride Using Direct Mercury Analysis N BACKGROUND Fluorite (also called fluorspar) is the mineral form of calcium fluoride (CaF,), a colorful mineral that has ornamental and industrial uses.Ing lly, fluorite is used as a flux for smelting and in the production of certain glasses and enamels. The purest grades of fluorite areused for hydrofluoric acid manufacturing. Optically clear fluorite lenses are valuable in UV-microscopes and telescopes. Fluorite is awidely occurring mineral that can present as a vein deposit, especially with metallic minerals, where it often forms a part of the gangue(the surrounding host-rock in which other more valuable minerals occur), and may be associated with the mineral cinnabar (mercuricsulfide, HgS). Thus, fluorite can be contaminated with mercury and processing and use of fluorite can lead to environmental mercurycontamination. Mercury and most of its derivative compounds are metabolic poisons that bioaccumulate in aquatic food chains, ultimatelyreaching concentrations capable of causing neurological and reproductive damage in terrestrial as well as aquatic organisms.Mercury isknown to also bioaccumulate in humans, so bioaccumulation in the aquatic food chain carries over into human populations, where it posesa particular threat to development in utero and in early childhood due to profound central nervous system damage. Thus, to prevent mercurypoisoning, it is necessary to accurately quantify total mercury in calcium fluorite and its mineral precursors. REFERENCES · WHO HP: http://www.who.int/ipcs/assessment/public_health/mercury/en/ · National Institute for Minamata Disease HP: http://www.nimd.go.jp/archives/english/tenji/e_corner/etop.html · Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluorite INSTRUMENT NICMA-3009 NIC MA-3000 is a dedicated direct mercury analyzer that selectively measures total mercuryby thermal decomposition, gold amalgamation and cold vapor atomic absorption spectroscopy,on virtually any sample matrix - solid, liquid, and gas. The MA-3000 offers quick results withoutany tedious, time-consuming and elaborate sample preparation process. It is a perfect solutionto today's increasing laboratory demand for easy, fast and accurate mercury measurements. MA-3000直接燃烧法在地矿行业测定氟化钙中总汞的应用氟石(也称为萤石)是氟化钙 (CaF2) 的矿物形式,是一种具有观赏和工业用途的彩色矿物。在工业上,萤石用作熔炼和生产某些玻璃和搪瓷的助熔剂。最纯等级的萤石用于制造氢氟酸。光学透明的萤石透镜在紫外线显微镜和望远镜中很有价值。萤石是一种广泛存在的矿物,可以以脉状沉积物的形式存在,尤其是金属矿物,它通常形成脉石的一部分(其他更有价值的矿物存在于其中的周围主岩),并且可能与矿物有关朱砂(硫化汞,HgS)。因此,萤石会被汞污染,而萤石的加工和使用会导致环境汞污染。汞及其大部分衍生化合物是代谢毒物,会在水生食物链中生物累积,最终达到能够对陆地和水生生物造成神经和生殖损害的浓度。众所周知,汞也会在人类中进行生物积累,因此水生食物链中的生物积累会影响到人类群体,由于严重的中枢神经系统损伤,它对子宫内和儿童早期的发育构成特别威胁。因此,为防止汞中毒,必须准确量化萤石钙及其矿物前体中的总汞含量。 NIC公司 MA-3000是一款专用的直接汞分析仪,通过热分解、金汞齐化和冷原子吸收光谱有选择地测量几乎任何样品基质(固体、液体和气体)的总汞。MA-3000提供快速测试的结果,没有任何繁琐、耗时和复杂的样品制备过程。这是一个理想的解决方案,以满足当今实验室对简单,快速和准确的汞测量的需求。

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北京中科华星科贸有限公司为您提供《氟化钙中汞检测方案(测汞仪)》,该方案主要用于金属矿产中重金属检测,参考标准《暂无》,《氟化钙中汞检测方案(测汞仪)》用到的仪器有日本 NIC MA-3000燃烧法直接测汞仪。


