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TEG、MicrowaveMg(0H)2(gel) Mg(OH)2@TEG(aerogel) samples. The detailed degradation kinetics fitting parameters are shown in Table 2. Microwave-assisted synthesis of mesoporous MgO@Carbonhybrid nanocomposites to enhance the catalytic degradation ofparaoxon toxin Meijie Cai12#, Shisheng Liu12#, Junjie Cai, Lei Zhao, Xiaohui Wei, Minjie Guol*,and Song Lin 1 College of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Tianjin University of Scienceand Technology,Tianjin, 300457, China 2 Institute of Medical Support, Academy ofMilitary Sciences, Tianjin, 300161, China # Contribute equally * Corresponding authors: Email: guomj@tust.edu.cn (M. Guo); Fax: +86 22-606-02772; Tel: +86 22-606-02736lynchpku@163.com (S. Lin); Fax: +86 22-846-60614; Tel: +86 22-846-60534 Abstract: A combination microwave-assisted hydrothermal and calcination method was usedto produce serial mesoporous MgO@Carbon (MgO@C) hybrid nanocomposites, whichwere studied and validated by TEM, XPS, XRD, and Raman spectra. The calcinedMgO@C nanocomposites have a high specific surface area and small grain sizes withan enhanced capacity to degrade paraoxon after optimal preparation. At roomtemperature, the decomposed amount of paraoxon toxins by MgO@C-600 is ca. 55.65mg/g@90min. Furthermore, the pseudo-second-order kinetic model (R>0.99) betterfits the experimental degradation data. The enhanced degradation mechanism ofMgO@C-600 was verified by using nitro blue tetrazolium chloride (NBT) as a probeto detect the generations of more superoxide radical (O2) active sites. A photothermaleffect was also observed in the MgO@C-700. A photothermal effect was also observed in the MgO@C sample. The removal efficiency increased 8-fold after being exposedwith near-infrared (NIR) radiation at 808 nm compared to the non-irradiating sample.Because of their ease of manufacture, low cost, and high removal effectiveness,MgO@C nanocomposites could be a suitable adsorbent choice for eliminatingorganophosphorus hazardous contaminants. Keywords: MgO, carbon, microwave, paraoxon, degradation 1. Introduction Nanomaterials have received uprising attention due to their unique structures andproperties. Among them, metal oxide nanoparticles are widely used in various fieldssuch as energy storage, catalysis, electrochemistry, lubrication, sensors, coatings, andenvironmental remediation. l Compared with traditional materials that remove organicpollutants, metal oxide nanomaterials and composite materials have better adsorptionand degradation capabilities due to their multiple active sites and high specific surfaceareas. As an organophosphorus pesticide and simulated chemical nerve agent of VX,paraoxon toxin has been used as a probe molecule in many studies to explore how todetoxify for increasing attention of environmental remediation.[2] various metal oxidenanoparticles have been reported as adsorbents for decontamination of paraoxon 3],such as TiO, [4-5] MgO,[6-8] CaO,[9] ZnO,[10] Al2O3[11-12] or MnOz[13] and CeO2.[14]Among them, MgO is a relatively cheap, safe, efficient, and readily available absorbenttowards heavy metal ions, organic dyes, fluorides, and phosphates in solutions. 15]However, preparing MgO nanoparticles with petite dimensional sizes is alwayschallenging because of its high activity and easy agglomeration. In general, the smaller the sizes of the nanoparticles, the larger their specific surface areas. Therefore it canprovide more active sites to improve their intrinsic adsorption and degradationperformance. So far, various methods have been explored to obtain MgO nanoparticles, such assol-gel, chemical precipitation, hydrothermal, solvothermal, thermal decomposition,chemical vapor deposition, microemulsion, and ultrasonication methods.[1,16-19,24] Theparticle sizes and morphology of MgO nanoparticles prepared in different ways havedistinct properties. Among these methods, the hydrothermal method is commonly used to synthesizehierarchical MgO nanostructures with different shapes.[20-21] However, these methodscommonly require relatively high hydrothermal temperature (i.e., 180℃ to 265℃) andlong incubation time (i.e., from 4 to 6 h)[22] which processes a severe adverse effect onthe environment due to the high energy consumption.As an efficient green method,microwave-assisted irradiation can be applied to overcome these problems to facilitatehydrothermal reactions for bulk heating due to its faster heating rate, higher energyefficiency,easier control, and more safety.[23] As a traditional adsorbent, activated carbon shows decent adsorption capacity.Nevertheless, its saturation capacity is limited, and the absorbed poison molecules arereadily dissociated to cause secondary pollution or injury due to the physical adsorptionprocess.[25-26] However, few studies focused on the hybrid fabrication of MgO/carbonnanocomposite for environmental remediation.[27] Herein, we apply the microwave-assisted hydrothermal method to one-pot synthesis of hierarchical MgO-doped carbonnanocomposites (MgO@C) to explore their degradation performance towards paraoxontoxins. Firstly, the hydrated Mg(OH)22wasprepared under mild conditions from hydrolyzed Mg(CH;O)2 in toluene/H2O overnight at room temperature. Then thetrimethylene glycol (TEG) was added to serve as both the carbon source and polarmolecules, which facilitates the heating conditions under programmed microwaveirradiation to form the Mg(OH)2-TEG precursors. Finally, the Mg(OH)2-TEGprecursors are decomposed to form MgO nanoparticles and amorphous carbon underN2 at different calcined temperatures, denoted as serial MgO@C nanocomposites.Furthermore. the constitution andmorphologyofas-prepared Mg0@cnanocomposites and their performance, kinetics, mechanism towardsparaoxondegradation were investigated. In addition, specific MgO@C samples showed apronounced photothermal enhanced effect in terms of paraoxon degradation. SuchMgO@C could be an effective adsorbent towards organophosphorus toxin removal dueto its relatively smaller particle size, larger specific surface area and abundantsuperoxide radical (.O2) sites. 2. Experimental Section 2.1. Materials and methods Commercial magnesium oxide (20 nm, 42.05 cm²/g) was purchased from NanjingXianfeng Nano Material Technology Co., Ltd. Magnesium methoxide (Mg(OCH3)2,7-8 wt.%), activated carbon powder ( 100 mesh), n-heptane (chromatographic grade)and nitrotetrazolium blue chloride (NBT, 98%) were supplied by Shanghai AladdinBiochemical Technology Co., Ltd. Paraoxon (AR)was obtained from TianjinRuiboxing Technology Co., Ltd. Nafion membrane solution (5%) was obtained fromShanghai Hesen Electric Co., Ltd. Toluene (AR), absolute ethanol (AR), andtrimethylene glycol (AR) were obtained from Tianjin Damao Chemical Reagent Factory. Deionized water (18.0 MQ.cm) is freshly made in our laboratory. The instrument used in the microwave-assisted heating stage is a multi-purpose microwavechemicalsynthesizerr (CXH-200UP, BeijingXianghu lTechnologyDevelopment Co., Ltd.). The vacuum/atmosphere tube furnace used in the combustionstage 1isSK-G051433 (Tianjin Zhonghuan Experimental Electric Furnace Co.,Ltd.).Thermogravimetric analyzer (TG, STA4495) was used to analyze the thermaldecomposition of the precursor Mg(OH)2@TEG in the temperature range of25~800℃, and the phase purity and crystallization peak of the synthesized MgO@Cnanoparticles were characterized by X-ray diffractometer (XRD, D8advance, Bruker,Germany), measured in the range of 10-80°, the scanning rate of2°/min, using Cu-Koradiation with 40 kV of the working voltage and 100 mA of current. Ramanspectroscopy was used to study the graphitization degree of MgO@C samples. Thelaser wavelength was 532 nm, the power was 10 mW, the spectral resolution was 1cm, and the scanning wavelength range was 500-2500 cm, and it was performed atroom temperature. Field emission scanning electron microscope (SEM, JSM-7500F,JEOL, Japan) and field emission transmission electron microscope (TEM,2010FEF,JEOL, Japan) was used to characterize the morphology and size of the samples. A fullyautomatic surface area and porosity analyzer (TriStar II 3020, Mike Instruments Inc.,America) was applied to measure the samples' specific surface areas and cumulativepore volumes. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR, Nicolet 380, Thermo)wasused to analyze the microstructures of MgO@C, and X-ray photoelectronspectroscopy (XPS, Thermo Fisher Scientific ESCALAB 250XI) was used to analyze the elemental chemical composition of C, O, and Mg in the MgO@C material. Theelectrochemical workstation (CHI1760E, Shanghai Chenhua Instrument Co., Ltd.)was used to study the electrochemical performance ofMgO@C samples. 2.2. Preparation of Mw-Mg(OH)2-TEG 50 mL ofMg(CHO)2 was added to 131 mL of toluene before aerating with high-purity nitrogen for over 10 minutes. Then 1.75 mL of deionized water was dropwisecharged into the above solution in 30 minutes. The reaction was left standing overnightat room temperature. Then, 40 mL of trimethylene glycol(TEG) was added to 20 mLof the above gel. Moreover, the resulting solution was put into the synthetic microwaveapparatus under programmed gradient heating to 190°C (see Table S1). Finally, theproduct was cooled to room temperature, and the product was suction filtered andwashed with methanol to obtain the Mg(OH)2-TEG composite, denoted as Mw-Mg(OH)2-TEG. The Mw-Mg(OH)2-TEG was dried at 120 ℃ for 120 min and thenstored in a desiccator. 2.3. Preparation of Mw-MgO@C Mw-Mg(OH)2-TEG was calcined in a tube furnace under an N2 atmosphere. Theheating rate was1°C/min, and the calcination temperature was :set from roomtemperature (25℃) to 500, 600, 700C for complete decomposition (Figure S1),respectively with the activation time of 120 min to obtain the final black powderyproducts, which is MgO nanoparticles decorated carbon sheet, denoted as MgO@C-500/600/700, respectively. The preparation equation of MgO@C is as follows: Mg(OH)2@TEG(aerogel)→Mg0@C+H20 2.4. Degradation performance of paraoxon 32 mg/L of paraoxon was dissolved in n-heptane, and 5 mg of commercial MgOand the as-prepared MgO@C-500/600/700 sample was added into 10 mL of the abovesolution. After oscillation at different time intervals (5, 10, 20, 30, 60, and 90 min,respectively),thesupernatant was withdrawnand measured on a UV-visspectrophotometer (UV2600). The scanning wavelength is 200-600 nm, and thescanning rate is 600 nm/min. The percentage and the adsorption degradation amountsof paraoxon were calculated according to Equation (1) and (2), respectively. In Equation (1), ABSo and ABS; are the peak values at 268 nm of paraoxon attime=0 and t. In Equation (2),qt (mg g) is the degradation amount of paraoxon attime t, Co (mgL-l) is the initial concentration of paraoxon, Ct (mg L-l) is theconcentration of paraoxon at time t, V(L) is the tested volume of paraoxon solution,and m (g) is the tested dosage of MgO and MgO@C. 2.5. Degradation performance of nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) 2×10-mol LofNBT was firstly dissolved in deionized water. Then 5 mg of eachMgO and the as-prepared MgO@C-500/600/700 was added into 10 mL of the abovesolution. After oscillation at different time intervals (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 min,respectively), tthe ssuuipernatant was withdrawn and measured on a UV-vis spectrophotometer. The scanning wavelength is 225-450 nm, and the scanning rate is600 nm/min. NBT has the maximum absorbance at259 nm. The percentage of NBTdegradation and the amounts of absorption degradation were determined similarlyaccording to Equation (1) and (2). 2.6. Electrochemical experiment Each 4 mg of the commercial MgO and the as-prepared MgO@C-500/600/700samples was mixed with 400 uL of absolute ethanol and 20 uL of nafion membranesolution before being ultrasonicated for 30 min to make the dispersion uniform. 10 uLof the evenly dispersed sample was withdrawn and dropped onto a clean glassy carbonelectrode twice. After the sample is air-dried, it is used for the electrochemical test. Theworking, counter and reference electrodes are glassy carbon, platinum, Ag/AgClelectrode, respectively. The electrolyte is a 0.1 mol/L KOH solution. Use theelectrochemical workstation to test the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)of the sample in the electrolyte. The frequency range is 1~106 Hz, the amplitude is0.005 V, and the static time is 2 s. 2.7.Photothermal irradiation experiment The catalytic degradation test of paraoxonby photothermal irradiation ofMgO@C-700 was also studied.Firstly, 35 mg of MgO@C-700 was produced in a discmold under a pressure of 10 MPa for 10 s into a tablet of 7 mm diameter. A laser of 808nm was set up to irradiate the MgO@C tablet with the 20 cm of irradiation distance,and its performance towards paraoxon degradation was evaluated similarly as section2.4. The center temperature was captured and measured by a thermal imaging camera (FOTRIC 226-1, ZXF Laborataries LLC ). 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Structure, morphology, and characterizations of MgO@C nanocomposites (a) 500/600/700℃ orr Mg(OCH3)2 H2O Mg(OH)2 →Mg(OH)2@TEG MgO@Carbon Figure 1. Schematic routes of the preparation of MgO@C by microwave-assistedsynthesis (a),TEM, HRTEM, and EDX element mappings of MgO@C-500 (b, c, d,j), MgO@C-600 (e, f, g, k) and MgO@C-700 ( h, i, l) and statistical particle sizedistribution (m) (n=50, randomly measured with Image J and expressed as mean ± SD.)Insets: selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern of each sample. The micromorphology of the as-prepared MgO@C-500/600/700 was observedby TEM, HRTEM images and SAED patterns shown in Figure 1. It can be observedthat the MgO nanoparticles were aggregated and decorated on carbon sheets to formpizza-like structures. (Figure 1b, 1e & 1h). The appearance of multiple diffractionrings in the SAED patterns (insets in Figure 1b, 1e & 1h) proves that all obtainedMgO@C samples are polycrystalline. Furthermore, in the detailed HRTEM images,both the interplanar spacings of magnesium oxide (Figure 1d,1g, 1i) and concentricinterplanar spacings of amorphous carbon (Figure 1c, 1f, 1i) are observed with 0.21nm and 0.34 nm, which match the (200) facet of face-centered cubic MgO and the(002) facet of carbon, respectively.[28,29] Among them, the morphology of MgO@C-700 (Figure 1h and 1i) is different from that of MgO@C-500/600 without acontinuous phase of carbon observed. It indicates that higher calcination temperature(i.e., 700℃) causes the further rupture of carbon sheets from a continuous phase toa discrete one, peripherally around the MgO nanoparticles, which is furtherconfirmed by the EDX element mapping results of MgO@C-500/600/700 (Figure1j, 1k & 1l). Moreover, the higher the calcined temperature, the more C elementcontent in the obtained composite samples, as shown in Table S2. Moreover, thestatistically measured particle sizes of MgO@C-500 and MgO@C-700are relativelylarge, i.e., 8.0±1.7 nm and 9.5±2.6 nm, respectively, while that of MgO@C-600 shows the smallest average grain size with 6.4±2.2 nm (Figure 1m). Figure 2. XRD patterns (a) ofMgO@C-500/600/700 samples; FT-IR spectra (b) andNyquist diagram (f) ofcommercial MgO and MgO@C-500/600/700; The specificsurface area (C) and cumulative pore volume distribution (d) ofMg(OH)2@TEG andMgO@C-500/600/700; Raman spectra (e) of MgO, activated carbon and MgO@C-600 samples. The XRD of the MgO@C nanocomposites generated at different calcinationtemperatures (i.e., 500, 600, 700℃) is shown in Figure 2a. It is found that all the three MgO@C samples have relatively broad diffraction peaks at 15-30° due to theexistence of amorphous carbon.[30]The source of the amorphous carbon istrimethylene glycol [31], which is also used as an absorptive reagent for microwaveheating. All other diffraction peaks observed are entirely matched with thecharacteristic peaks of pure cubic phase MgO, corresponding to the crystal planes ofMgO (111), (200), (220), (311), and (222), respectively. [32] No diffraction peaksother than MgO and amorphous carbon are observed in these spectra, proving thatthe sample has no other impurities and the composite MgO@C material has beensuccessfully prepared. The diffraction peaks of the three groups of samples MgO arerelatively broad. And the peak position shows a blue shift relative to the standardvalue, indicating a relatively small particle size. [33] Figure 2b shows the infrared spectra of the samples. It can be seen that thecommercial MgO nanoparticles and MgO@C-500/600/700 have two broad bandsaround 3435 cm and 1500 cm, respectively, which is due to the HOH stretchingvibration of the adsorbed water molecules. The four spectral lines all have a strong bandnear 500 cm, which corresponds to the tensile vibration of the Mg-O bond inmagnesium oxide.[34] In addition, the peaks ofMgO@C-500/600/700 that are differentfrom commercial MgO nanoparticles are at 2924.8 cmand 1460 cmassigned to theCH bond stretching vibration and CH caused by the bending vibration of the C elementcontained in the sample. Figures 2c and 2d show the BET analysis ofMgO@C obtained at differentcalcination temperatures. The pore size distribution of MgO@C is determined by the BHJ method. Table 1 provides the specific surface area and cumulative pore volumedata ofMg(OH)2@TEG and MgO@C. It can be seen that the specific surface area ofthe Mg(OH)2@TEG precursor is only 40.4 m/g, and the cumulative pore volume is0.09 cm’/g. Its pore size distribution is uniform in the range of 2~4 nm. For MgO@Cnanocomposites, the specific surface areas ofMgO@C-500/600/700 are much higher,i.e., 250.5, 255.6, 671.7 m²/g,respectively. Among them, the specific surface area ofMgO@C-700 is the largest, and the cumulative pore volume distribution diagram isalso different from others. MgO@C-700 is mainly composed of micropores andmesopores (2~5 nm) derived from both the carbon layers and MgO nanoparticlesverified by HRTEM in Figure 1. The pore size distribution of MgO@C-500/600 ismainly between 2~10 nm.Between them, MgO@C-600 has a higher proportion ofsmaller pores (2~4 nm) than MgO@C-500. Table 1. Specific surface area and cumulative pore volume ofMg(OH)2@TEG and serial MgO@C nanocomposites Sample SBET(m²g-) V(cm’g) Mg(OH)2@TEG 40.4 0.09 MgO@C-500 250.5 0.66 MgO@C-600 255.6 0.41 MgO@C-700 671.7 0.23 In addition, Raman spectroscopy was used to study the degree of graphitization of MgO@C-600 samples and compared with commercial MgO nanoparticles andactivated carbon powder, as shown in Figure 2e. The pristine MgO sample did notshow any peaks in the detectable shift range. However, the MgO@C-600 sample andactivated carbon powder showed two characteristic peaks at 1351 cm-and 1600 cm-l,corresponding to the D and G bands, respectively. The G band represents the E2gvibration of sp² hybridized C atoms, and the D band corresponds to disordered graphiticcarbon.35] The intensity ratio between G-band and D-band (Ip/Ic) is generallyconsidered to be an essential indicator for evaluating the degree of graphitization ofcarbon-containing materials.[36] The larger the Ip/Ic value, the smaller the degree ofgraphitization,and vice versa. Herein, the Ip/IG value of activated carbon is 0.73, whilethe value of MgO@C-600 is 0.87, indicating that the degree of graphitization ofMgO@C-600 is lower than that of pure activated carbon due to the decorated MgOnanoparticles. This result will be confirmed in the subsequent XPS analysis. Figure 2f is the Nyquist diagram of commercialized MgO nanoparticles andMgO@C-500/600/700. It can be seen that the solution resistance of commercial MgOnanoparticles is about 52.9 Q. In contrast, the solution resistance ofMgO@C-500/600/700 is relatively small, i.e., 47.8 Q,47.9 Q, 48.8 Q, respectively. Since thecarbon has good conductivity, the incorporation of carbon reduces the resistance at theMgO@C nanocomposite/solution interface during the electrochemical process, thusenhancing its electrical conductivity. Figure 3. XPS spectra ofMgO and MgO@C-600:(a) full survey; (b) C1s spectra; (c) O1s spectra; (d) Mg1s spectra Two sets of commercial MgO nanoparticles and MgO@C-600 were selected forthe XPS analysis, and the fine spectrum was fitted with the Gaussian linear Lorentzfunction (Gauss: 80%, Lorentz: 20%). From the XPS full survey, all the prominentcharacteristic peaks of Mg, O,and C in the range of 0~1300 eV binding energy weredetected in Figure 3a. Figure 3b, 3c and 3d show the spectra of C1s, O1s, and Mg1speaks, respectively. It can be seen from the C1s peak spectrum that MgO@C-600 hasa new peak at 285.85 eV, which is attributed to the C-O bond, decomposed from theTEG component. The area of the O1s peak at around 290 eV is also different.MgO@C-600 is slightly larger than pure MgO, which indicates that MgO@C-600 both may adsorb more amounts of CO2. The O1s spectrum of nano-MgO consists ofthree convolution peaks, which are 531.81, 530.91, and 529.68 eV, which areattributed to OH-/C=O, Mg-O and O, respectively (Figure 3c) [32,37]. While for theO1s spectrum of MgO@C-600, only two fitting peaks were found, and the peak areaat 531.81 eV was larger than that of nano-MgO, indicating that in addition to OH-, italso contained Mg-O, which was the overlap in this peak shift. It also contains C=O,which is verified by the C1s spectrum. For the Mg1s spectrum (Figure 3d), it can beseen that the peak has an obvious redshift, which is possibly caused by thehybridization of carbon and MgO in MgO@C-600 sample. Such phenomenon provesthat the prepared MgO@C-600 material is not a simple physical blend of magnesiumoxide and activated carbon, but a novel nanocomposite conjugated with chemicalbondings. 3.2. Degradation and kinetic simulation of paraoxon by MgO@C nanocomposites It can be seen from Figures 4a and 4b that both MgO and MgO@C-500/600/700have positive degradation effects against paraoxon. Among them,MgO@C-600 has thefastest degradation rate and the highest degradation efficiency. The degradationpercentage can reach ca. 86.95% after 90 min. Moreover, the adsorption degradationamount qt is the largest, reaching 55.65 mg/g. The MgO@C-600 sample has a smallerparticle size with a larger specific surface area, leading to better adsorption anddegradation ability of paraoxon. For MgO@C-500/700, the degradation rate rapidlyincreased to about 20% within the initial 5 min and reached a plateau stage after 30min. Surprisingly, although the specific surface area ofMgO@C-700 is the largest, itsdegradation effect is relatively weak. One possible reason is that the peripheral carbon partially wrapped around the MgO nanoparticles to hinder effective contact between MgO and paraoxon. Figure 4. Degradation percentage (a) and degradation amount (b) curves of commercialMgO and MgO@C-500/600/700 towards paraoxon; the pseudo-first-order (c) andpseudo-second-order (d) kinetic simulation of the degradation process Furthermore, kinetic simulations of the degradation kinetics were carried out,which was obtained by the following Equation (3) and (4) : K1The pseudo-first-order model: ln(Qe-Qt)=lnQe-(2.303), (3)The pseud-second-order model:Q(4) Where Qe and Qt (mg g) are the degradation amounts of paraoxon atequilibrium time e and time t, respectively. Ki (min-l) is the degradation constant ofthe first-order rate model, and K2 (g mg-min-l) is the degradation constant of thesecond-order rate model. The results can be seen in Figure 4c and 4d that the pseud-first-order kinetic model is more suitable to commercial MgO, and the pseud-second-order kinetic model was more appropriate for the degradation kinetics of MgO@C Table 2. Kinetic parameters of different samples towards paraoxon degradation Sample pseudo-first-order pseudo-second-order Ki (min-) R2 K2(g mg ) R2 MgO 0.0570 0.9926 0.0065 0.7886 MgO@C-500 0.1360 0.8603 0.0071 0.9954 MgO@C-600 0.0816 0.8535 0.0036 0.9992 MgO@C-700 0.0845 0.7708 0.0130 0.9983 3.3. Superoxide radicals(O2) detection by NBT probe 18 Figure 5. UV-vis absorption spectra of NBT degraded by MgO nanoparticles (a) andMgO@C-600 (b), the degradation rate (c) and adsorption amount (d) of NBT by thetwo samples, the pseudo-first-order kinetic simulation (e) and pseudo-second-orderkinetic simulation (f) of the degradation process NBT can be reduced by superoxide radicals (O2) in the aqueous solution to formformazan, a blue-violet precipitate [38].Thus, we utilized NBT as a O2 probe to explorethe superoxide radical (O2) sites on the surface of MgO. Figures 5a and 5b are the UV-vis absorption spectra of NBT reduction with twosamples (MgO and MgO@C-600) of distinct performance tovtowardsparaoxondegradation. It can be seen that the reductive effect of MgO@C-600 on NBT is muchbetter than that of MgO with higher rates and larger amounts (Figure 5c and 5d). TheMgO@C-600 sample has a smaller particle size and a larger specific surface area.Therefore, more superoxide radical (.O2-) sites are exposed to enhance the performance.Moreover, a kinetic simulation of the degradation effect was carried out, and thesimulation process was still calculated similarly using Equations (3) and (4). Theanalysis results are shown in Figures 5e and 5f. It can be seen that the degradationprocess is more fitted with the pseudo-second-order kinetic model. The detailed kineticparameters are shown in Table 3. Table 3. Kinetic parameters of the reduction of NBT by MgO and MgO@C-600 MgO 0.1332 0.9742 0.1862 0.9938 MgO@C-600 0.0938 0.1913 0.0047 0.9875 The superoxide radicals (O2) can exist on the surface of MgO due to thegeneration of oxygen dissolved in solution through molecular transition and electronrearrangement.[39,40] Thelessuperoxideradicall ((O2)attackedparaoxon-ethyl1todecompose P-O-C bonds to form O, O-diethyl phosphoric acid and nitrophenolbyproducts[41]. Larger specific surface areas and smaller sizes favor more superoxideradicals (.O2) generation. Therefore, MgO@C-600 produces more ·O2 active sites onthe surface with better performance towards the paraoxon degradation. In addition, with the largest specific surface area of 671.7 m²/g, MgO@C-700 isfurther explored for its pronounced photothermal effect with the center temperature ofthe sample increased from 22.8℃ (0 min) to 46.8℃ (180 min) (Figure 6a). And thedegradation effect of paraoxon after the NIR light irradiation was also greatly enhanced.It was found that the degradation efficiency only reached 15.27% after 180 min in itspristine state. While being irradiated with a NIR laser at a wavelength of 808 nm, thetotal degradation efficiency increased to 83.26% after 180 min (Figure6b). This is dueto the heat absorption and conduction of peripheral C onto the MgO, which acceleratesthe reactive rate with paraoxon. Meantime, air bubbles emerge during light irradiation,which could also accelerate the flow of the surrounding liquid, which significantlyincreases the probability of contact between the MgO@C and paraoxon (Figure 6cand supplementary video). Figure 6. Degradation of paraoxon by MgO@C-700 in different light hours (a);degradation rate (b) of paraoxon for MgO@C-700 before and after illumination anddigital photos (c) 4. Conclusion Under varying calcinationn temperatures,acombined microwave-assistedhydrothermal method waSs 1successfully optimized to obtain serial MgO@Cnanocomposites with relatively small sizes and high specific surface areas. TheMgO@C-600 sample has the best paraoxon toxin degradation efficacy, with 86.95%of elimination after 90 minutes and a qt of 55.65 mg/g. This dynamic process fits wellwith the pseudo-second-order model. Studies have revealed that the MgO@C-600nanocomposite exposes more superoxide radical (.O2) active sites. The particle sizes,shapes, and interior structures of nanomaterials are crucial factors to determine the degrading performance, in addition to their high specific surface areas. In addition,MgO@C-700 shows a photothermally enhanced paraoxon degrading action. Due toits facile, low cost, eco-friendly manufacturing process, and high removal efficiency,MgO@C nanocomposites can serve as a potential adsorbent option for eliminatingorganophosphorus hazardous contaminants. Supporting Information Supporting Information is available from XXX. Declaration of interests The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests orpersonal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in thispaper. Acknowledgments This work was financially supported by Tianjin Science and Technology Major ProjectProgram (18ZXJMTG00070). Meijie Cai and Shisheng Liu contributed equally to thiswork. References [1] The role of some important metal oxide nanoparticles for wastewater andantibacterialapplications::Areview[J]. Taibaa Naseem.TayyibaaLDurrani.Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, 2021, 3: 59-75. [2] Advanced Catalytic Materials: Current Status and Future Progress. Dominguez-Esquivel JM, Ramos M. 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