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检测项目 理化分析

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酯类样品中水分的测定 应用资料 使用卡尔费休试剂进行水分滴定是世界范围内普遍采用的最可靠的水分测定方法。根据GB/T 6283采用KF滴定法直接测量酯类样品的含水量。酯类通常很容易溶解在市售的甲醇中。测量的试样如下: 乙酸戊酯/乙酸异戊酯/乙酸乙酯/正丙基戊酯/乙酸异丁酯/乙酸甲酯/乙酸乙二醇单乙醚/原甲酸三乙酯/甲酸异戊酯/甲酸乙酯/甲酸甲酯/丙酸乙酯/丙酸甲酯/苯甲酸甲酯/苯甲酸乙酯/氧化二乙酯/水杨酸甲酯/邻苯二甲酸二丁酯/磷酸三乙酯。


KGM KYOTO ELECTRONICSMANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.KVX-01291-enL-KcM KYOTO ELECTRONICSMANUFACTURING CO.,LTD. Application MemoWater Content of Ester Industry Instrument Measurement method Standards Organic ChemicalKarl Fischer Moisture TitratorVolumetric Titration (Direct Method)JIS 0113 ASTM E 203 ISO 760 1. Overview Moisture titration using Karl Fischer reagent is popularly practiced water determinationworldwide as the most reliable method. The procedure is adopted in many official standardsas test method specified as in ISO, ASTM and JIS, etc. Here in this application note, we measure water content of esters by direct method of KFtitration according to JIS K 0113-2005 as quoted below. The esters in general are easy todissolve in commercially sold extracting medium MET. The test samples we measured according to the above method are as follows:Amyl n-acetate/Isoamyl acetate/Acetic ether/Amyl n-propyl/ Isobutyl acetate/Methyl acetate/Acetic ethylene glycol monoethyl ether/Triethyl orthoformate/formic isoamyl/Ethyl formate/Methyl formate/Ethyl propionate/Methyl propionate/Methyl benzoate/Ethyl benzoate/Diethyl oxate/Methyl salicylate/D-n-butyl phthalate/Triethyl phosphate. 2. Apparatus Main unit Karl Fischer moisture titration volumetric system Electrode Twin platinum electrode for KF titration 3. Reagents Titrant KEMAQUA TR-3 and TR-5 Solvent: KEMAQUA MET (for general purpose) 4. Example Sample name Water content mg % Amyl n-acetate 3.68 0.04 Isoamyl acetate 1.45 0.02 Acetic ether 0.97 0.01 Amyl n-propyl 1.86 0.02 Isobutyl acetate 2.01 0.02 Methyl acetate 5.89 0.13 Triethyl orthoformate 0.80 0.01 Formic isoamyl 3.61 0.04 Ethyl formate 6.41 0.35 Acetic ethyleneeglycol 1.87 0.02 monoethyl ether Sample name Water content mg % Ethyl propionate 1.07 0.01 Methyl propionate 6.58 0.07 Ethyl benzoate 4.51 0.04 Methyl benzoate 3.28 0.03 Diethyl oxalate 2.93 0.03 Methyl salicylate 13.22 0.11 D-n-butyl phthalate 1.01 0.01 Triethyl phosphate 17.28 0.16 Methyl formate 12.67 0.64 Please feel free to contact us for any further information. Kyoto Electronics Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Overseas Sales & Marketing Sect. 京都电子工业株式会社-可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司 上海市徐汇区宜山路333号1201室 电话:021-54488867 电邮: kemu-kem@163.com 网址: http://www.kem-china.com 酯类样品中水分的测定 应用资料(英文版)使用卡尔费休试剂进行水分滴定是世界范围内普遍采用的最可靠的水分测定方法。根据GB/T 6283采用KF滴定法直接测量酯类样品的含水量。酯类通常很容易溶解在市售的甲醇中。测量的试样如下: 乙酸戊酯/乙酸异戊酯/乙酸乙酯/正丙基戊酯/乙酸异丁酯/乙酸甲酯/乙酸乙二醇单乙醚/原甲酸三乙酯/甲酸异戊酯/甲酸乙酯/甲酸甲酯/丙酸乙酯/丙酸甲酯/苯甲酸甲酯/苯甲酸乙酯/氧化二乙酯/水杨酸甲酯/邻苯二甲酸二丁酯/磷酸三乙酯。

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