
检测样品 方便面(粉丝、米线)

检测项目 理化分析

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方便面中过氧化值的测定 应用资料 过氧化值(POV)表示油脂和脂肪酸等被氧化程度的一种指标。油脂氧化后生成过氧化物、醛、酮等。氧化能力较强,能将碘化钾氧化成游离碘。用硫代硫酸钠来滴定。


方便面中过氧化值的测定 应用资料过氧化值(POV)表示油脂和脂肪酸等被氧化程度的一种指标。油脂氧化后生成过氧化物、醛、酮等。氧化能力较强,能将碘化钾氧化成游离碘。用硫代硫酸钠来滴定。KGM KYOTO ELECTRONICSMANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.TIF-06015enLK-MKYOTO ELECTRONICSMANUFACTURING CO.,LTD. Application Memo Peroxide Value of Instant Noodle(Acetic Acid-Isooctane Method) Industry FoodInstrument Automatic potentiometric titratorMeasurement method Redox titrationStandards The JOCS Standard Methods for the Analysis of Fats, Oils and Related MaterialsSpecifications and Standards for Foods, Food Additives, etc. of MHLW 1.Overview The oxidation of fat and oil or foods containing them can be checked by POV (peroxide value)The oil and fat content oxidize with oxygen in the air, and produce peroxides which reduce thefood quality. The reaction of peroxide with potassium iodide isolates free iodine. When such freeiodine is titrated with sodium thiosulfate, POV expressed in milliequivalents per 1kg sample(unit: meq/kg) can be obtained. 2. Apparatus Main unit Automatic potentiometric titrator (preamplifier STD)Electrode Combined Pt electrode for micro titration 3.Reagents Extracting medium Diethyl etherDehydrating agent Sodium sulfateReagent Acetic acid-Isooctane(2,2,4-trimethyl pentane) mixed solution (3+2) (vol%)Additive Saturated potassium iodide solutionTitrant 0.01mol/L sodium thiosulfateInert gas Nitrogen gas 4. Example 200 [mU] 350 0.000 8.008CmL —Measurement results S一 Sample Titer POV (g) (mL) (meq/kg) 1 4.4194 3.9984 9.0820 2 5.1270 4.7488 9.2980 3 5.0807 4.5190 8.9286 Average 9.1029 SD 0.1856 RSD(%) 2.039 —Titration curve— Please feel free to contact us for any further information. Kyoto Electronics Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Overseas Sales & Marketing Sect. 京都电子工业株式会社-可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司 上海市徐汇区宜山路333号1201室 ( 电话: 021-5448886 7 电邮: kemu-kem@163.com 网址: http://www.kem-china.com )

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