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检测项目 积分球、绝对反射、透射

关联设备 共1种 下载方案


本申请说明演示了使用积分球测量偏振和入射角相关性,并评估二向色镜的光谱特性。 关键词:V-630,紫外可见/近红外,积分球,绝对反射率,材料


二向色镜是由具有不同折射率的多层介电材料组成的光学元件。这使得反射镜能够反射特定波长的光并透射另一波长的光。二向色镜具有不同的光谱特性,这取决于入射光的偏振或角度。因此,在评价分色镜时,有必要阐明其光谱特性。绝对反射率测量可以通过改变入射光的入射角或偏振来获得透射率和反射数据。JASCO的积分球将角度为θ的入射光引入样品。然后,来自样品的反射光被引导到积分球,在积分球中,检测器角度设置为θ-2θ。积分球因此可以测量绝对反射光谱,而这是一般相对反射测量系统无法获得的。此外,使用将参考光束引入积分球内部的双光束方法消除了光源波动的影响Application Note Measurement of a Dichroic Mirror using the Automated2/2Application NoteAbsolute Reflectance Measurement System UV-0009 Measurement of a Dichroic Mirror using the Automated Absolute Reflectance Measurement System Intro d uc t ion A dichroic mirror i s a n optica l element consisting of multi-l ayered dielectr i c materials that have diffe r ent ref r active i n dexes. This enables the mirror to reflect t he l ight of a specif i c wavelength and transmi t the light of another wavelength. Dic h roic mirrors have different spectral character i stics, depending on the polar i zation of the i ncident l ight or angle.Therefore, in the evaluat i on of d i c h roic mirro r s, it is necessa r y to e l ucidate i ts spectra l cha r acteristics. V-630 Absolute r ef l ectance measurements can obtain bot h transm it tance and r ef l ec t ion data by changi n g t he incident angle or polarization of t h e i n cident light . JASCO's integrating UV-Vis Spectro p hotometer sphere in trod u ces t h e i n cide n t light with an angle of 0 to a sample . T h e r ef l ected l i ght from t h e sample i s then lead to t h e integrating sphere, whe r e the detector angle i s set as 0-20 (Figu r e 1,right). The i ntegrating sphere can therefore measure the absolute reflectance spect r um, which cannot be obtai n ed by t he general relative reflectance measurement system. In addition, influence from l i ght source fluctuations i s removed using a double beam method t h at brings the reference beam inside of the integrating sphere. Figure 1. Rel at i ve r e f lec t a n c e me as ur e men t (lef t) a nd a bso l ut e r eflec t a n ce m e as ur e me n t (righ t ) sy stem s This application note demo n strates the use of the integrating sphere to measure the polarization and i ncident angle dependence and evaluate the spectral c h aracteristics of a d i chroic mirror. Keyword s V-630,UV-V isi ble/NIR,I n te g rati ng s p h e r e, A b solute reflecta n ce, Materials Results Figure 2 shows the reflectance spect r um under different polarization conditions, whi l e Figures 3 and 4 il l ustrate the ang l e dependence of the ref l ectance spectrum under the p and s pola ri zations, respectively. I t is see n that for both s and p polarizations, the reflect i on region expands to the longer wavelength side with the inc r ease of the inc i dent angle. Figure 2. Re fl e c t a n c e sp e c t r um of s (r e d ), p (b l ue ), an d n a tur a l l igh t (p i nk ) polar i z a tions . Figure 3. Ang l e-dep e nde n t r ef l ec t a n ce spec tr u m f o r p po l a r iza ti o n. Th e an gl es are t h e f ol l o wi n g :30 (bl ue), 35 (gr ee n ), 40 (maroon ), 45 (te al ), 50 (y el lo w ), 55 (p i nk ), a nd 60 (re d) d e gr ees. Wavelength [nm] Figure 4. A n gl e -d ep en den t re fl ect a n c e s p e c t r um f o r s po l a r izat ion. The a ngl es a r e t h e f ol lowing :30 (bl u e), 35 (gr e en ), 40 (maroon), 45 (te al), 50 (ye l low), 55 (pin k ), a n d 60 (r e d) d e grees .

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佳士科商贸有限公司为您提供《使用自动绝对反射率测量系统测量二向色镜》,该方案主要用于光学材料中积分球、绝对反射、透射检测,参考标准《暂无》,《使用自动绝对反射率测量系统测量二向色镜》用到的仪器有jasco紫外可见分光光度计 V-700。


