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检测样品 光学材料

检测项目 近红外、荧光粉、积分球、量子产率

关联设备 共1种 下载方案


本应用说明说明了如何使用FP-8700获得近红外光谱区域荧光粉的量子产率。 关键词:FP-8700,ESC-842校准WI光源,ILF-890积分球,FPA-810粉末测量块,PSH-101粉末样品池,荧光,近红外,量子产率


近红外荧光标记由于其广泛的生物学应用,目前正吸引着科学界的注意。这些标签是生物研究的理想选择,因为生物分子在近红外区域吸收非常少。近红外荧光标记物在体内没有显示出不良影响,并且是高度稳定的。本应用说明使用FP-8700来获得NIR光谱区域的荧光测量值。这些数据被用来表征近红外荧光粉,以后可用作生物学研究中的荧光标记。Application NoteFP-O019 Near-Infrared PhosphorMeasurement2/3Application Note Near-Infrared Phosphor Measuremen t Introdu c tio n Nea r -inf r ared f lu orescence labe l s are cur r e n tly attracting the a t tent i on of the sc i entific commu n ity due to thei r wide r ange of biolog i cal applications. These labe l s are i deal f or biological studies since biomolecules absorb very litt l e in t h e n ea r -i n frared region. NIR fluoresce n ce l abe l s have shown no adverse effects in vivo and are h ighly stable. This application note illustrates how the FP-8700 is used to obtain fluorescence spectra and quantum y i elds of phosphors in the near-i n frared spectral r eg i on. FP-8700S p ec tro fl u oro m ete r Keyword s FP-8700, ESC-842 Calibrated WI li ght source, ILF-890 Integrating sphere, FPA-810 Powder measu r ement block, PSH-101Powder cell, Fluorescence, Nea r -i nfrared, Quantum yield E xperimental Measurement Conditions Excitation Fluorescence Emission Wavelength 883 nm Excitation Wavelength 600nm Emission Bandwidth 10nm Excitation Bandwidth 10 nm Excitation Bandwidth 10nm Emission Bandwidth 10 nm Scan Speed 500 nm/min Scan Speed 500 nm/min Response Time 0.5 sec Response Time 0.5 sec Data Interval 0.2nm Data Interval 0.2nm Sensitivity 600V Sensitivity 600V Re su l ts The e xc i tation spec t ra of YVO :Nd3+a n d YVO:Nd 3, Yb3 are s h own in F i gure 1 a n d th e peaks are l abel e d wi t h t he i r correspond in g excited state t ra n sitions fr om the ground state of Nd3(4192) Figure 1. Excitation spectra o f YVO :Nd +(b l u e) and YVO :Nd3,Yb3+(red ). Th e f luor e sc e nc e spec tr a of YVO:Nd3+ a n d YVO :Nd3+,Yb3are s h own in Figur e 2 and th e p eaks ar e lab e l e d with th e ir corr e spondi n g t ransi t io n stat e s from t h e e xci te d states of Nd3 (4F 2)and Y b 3+(2F 52) Figure 2. Fluoresce n ce spectra of YVO :Nd*(blue) and YVO:Nd , Yb"(r ed). 28600 Mary's Cour t , E a s to n , M D 21601US A Appl i c a t i on Note The quantum y i e l ds of both YVO :Nd +and YVO:Nd3, Yb3 were ca l culated and shown in Table 1. Table 1. Quantum y i e l d res u lts . Absorbance (%) External Quantum Yield Internal Quantum Yield YVO:Nd3 9.0 2.5 28.5 YVO:Nd3,Yb3 21.0 12.4 59.1 Conclusion This application n ote uses a FP-8700 to obtain f luo r escence measurements in t h e NIR spec t ral region. T his d a ta is us e d to c h a r act e rize near-i nfrar e d phosphors, wh i c h can lat e r be u s ed as fl uor e sce n t labe l s in biological stud i es. 28600 Mary's Cour t , E a s to n , M D 21601US A

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