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检测项目 ELSD、脂肪

关联设备 共1种 下载方案


ELSD利用其高灵敏度和稳定的基线,是解决甘油三酯等脂肪分析问题的有效检测方法。 关键词: Triglycerides, ELSD, Trilaurin, Trilinorein, Trimylistin, Triolein, Tripalmitin, Tristearin


尽管甘油三酯是一种能量来源,但人们认识到摄入过多可能会导致动脉硬化。由于甘油三酯中的大多数成分几乎没有紫外线吸收,因此示差折光检测器通常用于甘油三酯分析。然而,使用这种检测器需要很长时间才能稳定基线,并且异物经常会影响结果。ELSD是一种有效的检测方法,利用其高灵敏度和稳定的基线,解决了包括甘油三酯在内的脂肪分析问题。Application Note 2/3Application NoteAnalysis of Triglycerides by High Performance Liquid Chromatography Analysis of Triglycerides by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Evaporative Light Scattering Detectio n In t rod u c t ion Altho u gh triglycerides function as an energy source, it is recognized that too much intake may cause arteriosclerosis. Since most of compo n ents in triglycerides have almos t no UV absorption, a differential refractive index detector is often used for triglycerides analysis. With this detector, however , it takes a long t ime to stabilize the baseline and foreign substances often affect the results. ELSD is known as an effective detection method to solve the problems on fatty a n alysis including triglycerides, taking advantage of its high sensi t i vity and stable baseline. Keyword: Triglycerides, ELSD, Trilaurin, T r ilinorein,Tr i mylistin, T r iolein, T r ipalmit i n, T r istearin Jasco PU-2089 Experimental Equipment: Conditions: P um p : PU-2089 Autosampler : AS-2057 Co l umn oven : AS-2057 D e tector: ELS -2040 Column: CrestPak C18S (4.6 mmlDx 150mmL, 5 um) Eluent: A; Acetonitrile, B; THF* Gradient condition: (A/B), 0 min (75/25), 40 min (67/33),40.05 min (50/50) 45 min (50/50) 45.05 min (75/25) 1 cycle: 60min Detector: ELS-2040 Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min Column temp.: ELSD condition: 40°C Nebulizer temp.: 30°C Evaporator temp.: 50°C Gas flow rate: 1.6 SLM10uL Injection volume: Standard sample: Trilaurin, Trilinorein, Trimylistin,Triolein, Tripalmitin 1.0 mg/mL each Tristearin 0.5 mg/mL * T H F sol v ent does n o t i nclude any a d d i tives. Figure 1 shows the chromatogram of 6 well separated components of a triglycerides standard mixtu r e. F ig u re 1. Chroma t ogram of 6 components of a triglycerides sta n d a r d mi xt ure.1: T r i la u ri n , 2: Tr i li no r ein ,3: Tri m yl i s t in , 4: Triolein, 5: T ripal m i t i n , 6: Tristear i n Figure 2 and f ig u re 3 show t he chromatograms of r ice bran oil and margarine, respect i ve l y. Fi g u re 2. C hr omatog r a m o f ri c e bran oi l ., Th e Peak n um ber s are t h e same a s in f i g u r e 1.P re t r eat m en t : 1.0 g o f r i c e b ran o i l wal d i ssolved i n 10 m L o f aceton e an d was t h e n fil t ra t ed t h rough a 0.45 p m me m br a n e f ilter. F i g u re 3. C h r o mat o g r a m o f m argarin e ., T he peak nu m be r s a r e t h e s a m e a s i n fi g u re 1.P r e t r e a t m en t: 0.5 g o f m a rg arin e was dis s o l v e d i n 10 mL o f a c e t one an d w a s t hen f il t r a t e d t h rough a 0.45 u m me m bran e f il t e r .

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