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检测项目 SPE-HPLC,非离子表面活性剂

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在本申请说明中,使用新定义的SPE-HPLC方法分析了非离子表面活性剂,结果报告如下。 关键词:SPE-HPLC,非离子表面活性剂,庚氧基乙烯十二烷基醚,5µm,C18柱


非离子表面活性剂含有亲水基团,当溶解在水中时不会离子化,并且具有不受水硬度或电解质影响的化学性质。非离子表面活性剂可以与几乎任何其他类型的表面活性剂一起使用。近年来,非离子表面活性剂的使用量急剧增加,因为它们具有广泛的性能,如易用性、高去污力、优异的乳化/分散性和低刺激性。2004年制定的水质标准规定,非离子表面活性剂的浓度必须小于0.02 mg/L。已建立的常规分析方法采用固相萃取-吸收分光光度法,其中吸光度是由非离子表面活性剂Co(II)与着色剂4-(2-pyridylazo)间苯二酚(PAR)反应形成的络合物的吸光度。2012年,一种基于SPE-HPLC的新方法被添加到非离子表面活性剂的水质标准中。水质标准规定,非离子表面活性剂的测量应至少对可接受浓度限值的十分之一敏感,所需的变异系数应优于20%。Application Note 2/3Non-ionic Surfactant Analysis by Solid-phase Extraction- High-performanceLiquid Chromatography (SPE-HPLC) UAS.C O Non-ionic Surfactant Analysis by Solid-phase Extraction- High-performance Liquid Chromatography [SPE-HPLC] Introduction A non-ionic surfactant contai n s a hydrophilic group which does not ionize when dissolved in water and has chemical properties making it unaffected by water hardness or electrolytes. A non-ionic surfactant can be used together with virtually any other type of surfactant. The use o f non-ion i c surfactants has increased dramatical l y i n recent years due to t he wide range of properties they offer such as ease of use, high detergency, excellent emulsif i cation/dispersibil i ty and low st i mulation. SPE-HPLC, Non-ionic surfactant , Heptaoxyethylene dodecyl Application Note Experimenta l Conditions Equipment Pump: PU-2080 Degasser: DG-2080-53 Column Oven: CO-2065 Autosampler: AS-2057 Detector: UV-2070 Column: YMC-Triart C18 (4.6 mml.D. x150 mmL, 5 um) Eluent: 10 mM Sodium tetraborate/Methanol (62/38) Flow Rate: 1.0 mL/min Column Temp: 40℃ Wavelength: 510nm Injection Volume: 20 pL Standard Sample: Heptaoxyethylene dodecyl ether Results Fig . 1 Flowchart of sample preparation. Fi g.1. Flowchart for Preparation of Sample Added with Non-ionic Surfactant F i g. 2. Chromatogram of Sample Added with Non -i on i c Su r factant*(n =6)1: Heptaoxyethylene dodecyl ethe r (0.002 mg/L)*Sample preparation is described on Fi g . 1. PeakArea 1 28974 2 22078 3 28057 4 25492 5 19989 6 29604 AVE 25699 SD 3931.7 C.V.% 15.3 Fig. 3 linearity of sample with added non-ionic surfactant . Four standard samples were measured with concentrations ranging from 0.002 to 0.01 mg/L as specified i n the of f icial analytical method, linear i ty was R2=0.985.

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