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检测项目 间隔测量、快速扫描、扫描测量

关联设备 共1种 下载方案




FTIR提供了三种时间历程测量方法:间隔测量、快速扫描和步进扫描测量;时间分辨率分别为1秒、50毫秒、5毫秒(可选:10纳秒)。在这里,我们将回顾每种方法的基本特征和测量方法。每种方法对干涉仪中的移动反射镜使用不同类型的扫描方法。“间隔测量”是通过定期扫描执行的,“快速扫描测量”使用移动反射镜的更快扫描速率。使用“步进扫描测量”,移动反射镜在每个数据采样点停止,并在每个点受到干扰。Application Note280-SO-0007 Time Course Measurementwith FTIR2/2Application Note FTIR offer three met h od s for time course measu r ement : i n terva l measureme n t, r a p id-scan, and ste p -sca n ; t he t ime r esol uti on i s 1sec, 50 msec, 5 msec (opt i onal : 10 nsec) respectively. Here we will rev i ew the basic features and measurement for each m e thod. E ach method uses a di ff ere n t typ e of scann i ng met h od for the mov i ng mi r r o r i n t h e interferomete r. “Inte r val meas u rement”i s performed wit h r egular scanning and “r apid-scan measurement ”uses FT/IR-4000 and 6000 Series Spect r o m eters a fa ster scan rat e of t h e mov i ng mirror. Us in g“st e p-sca n me a s ur e m ent ," t he mov in g m irror s tops a t e ach data-s a mpl i ng point and perturbed at eac h of the points. Measurement Conditions Figure 1. C O, c on cen tr ation tr a n si t io n Figure 2. Cu rin g p ro c es s of a UV c u r e d r esin Figure 3. R e l a xa tion proc e ss of l iqu i d c r ystal or i e n t a tion

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佳士科商贸有限公司为您提供《使用FTIR进行时程测量的各种选项概述》,该方案主要用于其他中间隔测量、快速扫描、扫描测量检测,参考标准《暂无》,《使用FTIR进行时程测量的各种选项概述》用到的仪器有JASCO FTIR-4000傅立叶变换红外光谱仪。


