
检测样品 其他水产制品

检测项目 营养成分

参考标准 GB 5009.6 食品中脂肪的测定

关联设备 共5种 下载方案


不同收获时间海白菜生化成分及其与颜色的关系The biochemical composition and its relation to color of Ulva spp. upon harvest time 使用格哈特DUMATHERM杜马斯定氮仪检测蛋白质含量,蛋白质系数为5,每毫克样品1.4 毫克氧气,氧气流量200毫升每分钟。 Total nitrogen was analyzed by Dumas combustion (DUMATHERM,Gerhart Analytical Systems, Germany) using 1.4 mg O2 mg-1 sample and an O2 fowrate of 200 mL min-1. The CP content was calculated using a N-to-protein conversion factor of 5. 总脂肪使用格哈特Hydrotherm全自动超级酸水解打破样品的脂蛋白键后再用格哈特Soxtherm全自动快速索氏提取脂肪。 The lipid content of the biomasses was quantifed in triplicates by digesting one gram of sample with boiling hydrochloric acid to break the lipo-protein bonds using a Hydrotherm (Gerhardt Analytical systems, Germany). The resulting solution was collected in a flter, dried, and the lipid was subsequently extracted with petroleum ether using a Soxtherm (Gerhardt Analytical systems, Germany).


不同收获时间海白菜生化成分及其与颜色的关系The biochemical composition and its relation to color of Ulva spp. upon harvest time使用格哈特DUMATHERM杜马斯定氮仪检测蛋白质含量,蛋白质系数为5,每毫克样品1.4 毫克氧气,氧气流量200毫升每分钟。Total nitrogen was analyzed by Dumas combustion (DUMATHERM,Gerhart Analytical Systems, Germany) using 1.4 mg O2 mg-1 sample and an O2 fowrate of 200 mL min-1. The CP content was calculated using a N-to-protein conversion factor of 5.总脂肪使用格哈特Hydrotherm全自动超级酸水解打破样品的脂蛋白键后再用格哈特Soxtherm全自动快速索氏提取脂肪。The lipid content of the biomasses was quantifed in triplicates by digesting one gram of sample with boiling hydrochloric acid to break the lipo-protein bonds using a Hydrotherm (Gerhardt Analytical systems, Germany). The resulting solution was collected in a flter, dried, and the lipid was subsequently extracted with petroleum ether using a Soxtherm (Gerhardt Analytical systems, Germany).

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中国格哈特为您提供《海白菜(石莼)总脂肪和蛋白质的测定》,该方案主要用于其他水产制品中营养成分检测,参考标准《GB 5009.6 食品中脂肪的测定》,《海白菜(石莼)总脂肪和蛋白质的测定》用到的仪器有格哈特杜马斯定氮仪DT N Pro、格哈特快速干燥仪STL56、格哈特全自动超级总脂肪测定系统HT6+SOX416、滤纸筒、德国移液器MM。


