


  • 文献中常看到一种机理,叫做Maxwell-Wagner-type polarization.



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  • metalmax



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  • ibiwkis


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    metalmax 发表:可以看看“凝聚态物理学丛书---电介质物理学”

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  • ltmodir



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  • qdzhao2008


    Dielectric dispersion in heterogeneous conducting materials is traditionally described by the Maxwell-Wagner theory. (Maxwell 1892, Wagner 1914). Electrical field application makes the possibly
    free charges of the material to move to the interfacial zones creating long dipoles in the bulk of the material (i.e. Maxwell – Wagner polarization).

    Generally, the Maxwell–Wagner polarization ~also
    known as ‘‘interfacial polarization’’ or ‘‘space charge polarization’’!was most widely adopted to explain the high permittivity observed in the materials, including single-phase
    ceramics, single crystals, and composites. When applying
    this model, a series of barrier phenomena or even a complete
    series-parallel array of barrier-volume effects are assumed.
    This often arises in a material consisting of grains separated
    by more insulating intergrain barriers.This model is applied
    to a heterogeneous medium.
    On the other hand, Jonscher pointed out that although
    the Maxwell–Wagner polarization gives rise to satisfactory
    fitting in many cases, no real physical meaning can be

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  • qdzhao2008


    Korea-Australia Rheology Journal
    Vol. 11, No. 3, September 1999 pp.169-195

    2.1.2. Behaviour under ac fields:Maxwell-Wagner polarisation
    Consider the same isolated particle as before, but now
    under a step electric field of magnitude E0 applied from t=0 :
    E(t)=0 for t0
    =E 0 for t0 (7)
    Immediately after the application of the field, the mobile
    charge carriers would have only just begun to move and not
    travelled any significant distance, and the electrical response
    of the system will be governed by the dielectric constants of
    the particle material and carrier fluid (ep, ec) (Davis, 1992a). ep,
    ec are determined for example by molecular orientations
    under the electric field, and this response can be assumed to
    be almost instantaneous (over time scales 10-6s at the longest).
    This initial response is independent of the conductivities
    of the particle or carrier fluid (sp, sc), and a similar calculation
    to the above gives for the initial dipole magnitude:
    pdielec=4peoeca3bdielecE0 (8)
    As time progresses, there is a migration of free charge
    which builds up at the carrier fluid/particle interface, and
    has the effect of electrically screening the field in the
    particle interior (Davis, 1992a). Eventually the electric field
    reaches a distribution determined by the conductivities of
    the carrier fluid and particle material, and the dipole is given
    by eq (5). The characteristic time tMW for charge transport,
    describing the transition from the dielectric-dominated to
    the conductivity-dominated behaviours, is given by
    This is also sometimes called the “polarisation relaxation
    time”. It is easy to show that the dipole will change with
    time as follows (Ginder and co-workers, 1995):
    p(t)=4peoeca3E0 [bcond+(bdielec-bcond)e-t/tMW] (11)
    The model presented here is generally known as the
    Maxwell-Wagner model of interfacial polarisation (hence
    the subscript MW). This is the simplest physical model
    which takes into account the effects of conductive and
    ep ec –
    ep 2ec +
    ---------------- =
    eo ep 2ec + ( )
    sp 2sc +
    -------------------------- =

    dielectric properties on the polarisation of a particle, and
    assumes ep, ec, sp, sc are constants. A typical electrorheological
    fluid designed for use under dc field conditions
    (as are many proposed devices), such as the carbonaceous
    particles in silicone oil suspension (Sakurai and coworkers,
    1999), would have ep » 5, ec » 3, sp » 10-7mho/m
    with sc<eq (10) tMW » 10-3s.

    +关注 私聊
  • qdzhao2008


    Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports
    Volume 17, Issue 2, 15 October 1996, Pages 57-103


    4.1.2. Maxwell-Wag,qer polarization
    All ER suspensions possess some level of conductivity. Anderson [ 551 and Davis [45,56] have
    pointed out that for d.c. and low-frequency a.c. electrIC fields, partICle polarization and partICle
    interactions will be ccntrolled not by the partICle and fluid permittivities as described above, but rather
    by the partICle and fluid conductivities. Conductivity in the bulk of both phases will result in free The field external to the sphere is again equivalent to that of a dipole with moment
    peff = $o~ca3 Re{ p *‘ei”e’}EOe,. (1%
    The time-averaged force on a sphere at the origin due to a second sphere at (R, 19) may be determined
    easily in the point-dipole limit as before,
    FyD(Rij,eij) =&@T2f&f( o,)E&
    ; { [3 cos2 8,- l]e,+ [sin 20,]e,}, (16)
    where ErmS - E,l fi, and the “effective relative polarizability” is now
    t =E
    ,?NJ Oup + 2a;
    The force is essentially equivalent to the ideal case except that the effective polarizability is now a
    function of field frequency, as well as the permittivities and conductivities of both phases.
    The value of Peff, and thus the pair force, depends on the frequency relative to the polarization
    time constant t,,. In the limit of large frequencies, permittivities dominate the response,
    lim P2ff(wJ = Pi (20) oer,rnv * m
    while in the dc. limit,
    and thus conductivities control partICle polarization forces, regardless of the permittivities. The nor-
    malized polarization force magnitude, pzff, is plotted as a function of frequency in Fig. 4 for different
    values of Pd and PC, As we will see below, this likely explains, qualitatively, why high dielectrIC
    constant materials such as barium titanate ( eP =@( 103) ) do not show a very large ER effect in d.c.
    fields, and why many systems exhibit a decrease in apparent viscosity with increasing electrIC field
    frequency [ 3,4,8,62].
    For partICles with a surface conductivity, h,, polarization and interactions in the point-dipole limit
    are described by the Maxwell-Wagner model as described above, provided the partICle conductivity
    is replaced by the apparent conductivity CT~ + 2&/a [ 9,571.

    charge accumulation at the partICle/fluid interface-migration of free charges to the interface prompts
    the alternative names, “migration” and “interfacial” polarization. In a d.c. field, mobile charges
    accumulating at the interface screen the field within a partICle, and partICle polarization is completely
    determined by conductivities. In a high-frequency a-c. field, mobile charges have insuffICient time to
    respond, leading to polarization dominated solely by permittivities, unaffected by conductivities. At
    intermediate frequencies, both permittivity and conductivity play a role.
    The Maxwell-Wagner model (see, for instance, Refs. [57-611) is the simplest description of
    partICle polarization accounting for both the partICle and fluid bulk conductivities, as well as their
    permittivities. In this theory, the permittivities and conductivities of the individual phases are assumed
    to be constants, independent of frequency. The complex dielectrIC constants of the disperse and
    continuous phases are written Q* ( w,) = ek -j( Us/ ~,,a,), where IC =p,c, j = J-1, and the asterisks
    represent complex quantities.
    Consider again an isolated sphere in a uniform a.c. electrIC field, E0 = Re{&&‘e,} . The complex
    potential will still satisfy Laplace’s equation in the bulk phases [ 571, o”$* = 0, subject to the boundary
    conditions at the interface,
    $*i = v” (11)
    The solution for the complex potential resembles that for the ideal case,

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  • endy



    ltmodir 发表:http://www.wljx.sdu.edu.cn/jpkc/html/yadiantiedianwuli/jiaoxuekejian/20070125/54.html

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  • ibiwkis


    有谁知道, 最初的起源或者简单模型吗?


