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  • Ohio should be for ever ceded to the whites that their prisoners should be delivered up, and that four hostages should be immediately given for the faithful performance of these conditions." Campbell, in his History of Virginia, says, the Indians " agreed to give up their lands on this side of the Ohio, and set at hermes birkin liberty their prisoners." Butler, in his History of Kentucky, remarks that, " such a treaty appears at this day, to be utterly beyond the advantages which hermes binkin could hermes bags have been claimed from Dunmore's expedition.

    " This is undoubtedly a reasonable conclusion. The statement in Doddridge, that " on our part we obtained at the treaty a cessation of hostilities and a surrender of prisoners, and nothing more," is most probably the true version of the terms of this peace. If an important grant hermes bags of land had been obtained by this treaty, copies of it would have been preserved in the public archives, and references in subsequent treaties, would have been made to it but such seems not to have been the case. The conclusion. must hermes handbags be, that it was only a treaty for the cessation of hostilities and the surrender of prisoners.

    There have been various speculations as hermes binkin to the causes which induced governor Dunmore to order the retreat of the army under general Lewis, before the treaty hermes kelly was concluded. hermes handbags However desirous of a peace, the presence of an additional force would only hermes bags have hermes handbags rendered that result more certain. It was believed by some of the officers of the army, and the opinion has been held by several writers since, that after governor hermes outlet Dunmore started on this expedition, he was advised of the strong probability of a war between Great Britain and her colonies and that all his subsequent measures were shaped with a reference to making the Indians the allies of England in the expected contest.
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