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  • 闲鹤野云


    2. Arrange the round trip transportation of the inspectors.

    ruojun: Applicant is responsible for arranging the round trip transportation for the on-site inspectors.

    +关注 私聊
  • 闲鹤野云


    3. The detailed contents and procedures of the on-site inspection and sampling can be found in Procedures and Requirements of On-site Inspection and Sampling for Drug Registration (Trial) issued by SFDA, and Notice of On-site Inspection and Sampling for Drug Registration issued by SHFDA and the Decree No. [2006] 265 issued by the Drug Registration Division of SFDA. The first two can be downloaded at the Regulations Column of SFDA website http://www.sfda.gov.cn and at the Announcements Column of SHFDA website http://www.shfda.gov.cn.

    ruojun: Drug Registration (Trial) tentative??
    The first two can be downloaded =These documents can be downloaded....

    +关注 私聊
  • 闲鹤野云


    4. File the original records- records of tests of APIs and excipients, formula and process research, quality research, stability study, pilot production and tests of the samples, pharmacology and toxicology study and so on- as required by Temporary Regulations on Experimental Records of Drug Research (Decree No. [2006] 1 issued by the Drug Safety and Supervision Division of SFDA). Bind the records as required by Form 7. The records may be bound with thread, glue or staples, but not in the form of loose leaves. List the contents and number the pages. Try best to bind the records of an item together. Provide original records likewise for commissioned research and contact with relative research organizations beforehand to arrange things.

    ruojun: Original records related to drug development (eg.,tests of APIs and excipients, formula and process research, quality research, stability study, pilot production and tests of the samples, pharmacology and toxicology studies, etc.) should be filed by the requirement of Temporary Regulations on Experimental Records of Drug Research (Decree No. [2006] 1 issued by the Drug Safety and Supervision Division of SFDA, see appendix 7). These records might be bound with thread, glue or staples, but not in the form of loose leaves. Contents should be listed and pages should be numbered. Try best to bind the records of an item together. For contracted or commissioned research, original records should be provided likewise. Good communications with these research institutiions should be made beforehand to make sure these requirement can be met.

  • 该帖子已被版主-happyjyl加2积分,加2经验;加分理由:积极讨论
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  • poorlittle



    Within 2 working days of receipt of the On-site Inspection Notification, the applicant shall submit a set of application dossier (including one application form and one photocopy of the acceptance letter) together with the On-site Inspection Notification to the Acceptance Office of the Business Department of SIFDC at 1500 Zhangheng Road, Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park. The mobile phone number of the contact person should also be submitted.

    It is a challenge to translate the word 受理. 受理 seems a short form of a legal term 受理上訴的(appellate)? But here means 我会应你的要求去处理, 受=应你的要求, 理=处理. 重心在”处理”, Is there any word better than “Acceptance”?

    受理处 --> Executive Office ???

  • 该帖子已被版主-happyjyl加5积分,加2经验;加分理由:积极讨论,分析详细
    +关注 私聊
  • poorlittle



    3. The details and procedures of the on-site inspection and sampling can be found in Procedures and Requirements of On-site Inspection and Sampling for Drug Registration (Trial) issued (or promulgated) by SFDA, Notice of On-site Inspection and Sampling for Drug Registration issued by SHFDA and the Decree No. [2006] 265 issued by the Drug Registration Division of SFDA. The first two can be downloaded at the Regulations Column of SFDA website http://www.sfda.gov.cn and at the Announcements Column of SHFDA website http://www.shfda.gov.cn.

    +关注 私聊
  • happyjyl



    +关注 私聊
  • happyjyl




    ruojun 发表:To ensure successful implementation of on-site inspection and samplings for drug registration, applicants and relevant research institutions shall make relevant preparations.

    +关注 私聊
  • happyjyl


    嗯,把notice letter改成notification了。另外把语序调整了一下。谢了。不过我看FDA的网站上也有“notice letter”这个用法。请教一下它和notification的区别?notice letter指具体的文件或公文,notification通知的总称,可以是各种形式的信息传递,重点是结果。

    ruojun 发表:Ruojun: Within 2 working days of receipt of the on-site inspection notification, the applicant shall submit a set of application dossier (including the application form and one hard copy of the acceptance letter) and the on-site inspection notification to the Acceptance Office of the Business Department of SIFDC (located in 1500 Zhangheng Road, Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park). The mobile phone number of the contact person should be provided simultaneously.

    +关注 私聊
  • happyjyl


    Procedures and Requirements of On-site Inspection and Sampling for Drug Registration (Trial) issued by SFDA, Notice of On-site Inspection and Sampling for Drug Registration issued by SHFDA and the Decree No. [2006] 265 issued by the Drug Registration Division of SFDA.

    前面的帖子里我忘了加斜体了。其实它的结构是a, b and c,您加的那个“and”可以不要的。


    ruojun 发表:ruojun: Drug Registration (Trial) tentative??
    The first two can be downloaded =These documents can be downloaded....

    +关注 私聊
  • happyjyl


    的确,委托研究可以用contracted research。合同研究组织就是Contract Research Organization (CRO)。

    ruojun 发表:4、药品研制所涉及的原始记录(包括原辅料检验、处方工艺研究、质量研究、稳定性研究、申报样品试制和检验、药理毒理研究等方面)应按《药品研究实验记录暂行规定》(国药管安[2000]1号)要求归档,参照附表7项目要求,须装订成册(可以线装、胶装、订书钉装等固定,不得采用活页装订或活页夹形式),列出内目录,并有连续页码编号。各试验项目尽可能合并装订。如有委托研究项目,亦应按上述要求提供原始记录,请事先与相关研究单位联系,做好协调工作。
    4. File the original records- records of tests of APIs and excipients, formula and process research, quality research, stability study, pilot production and tests of the samples, pharmacology and toxicology study and so on- as required by Temporary Regulations on Experimental Records of Drug Research (Decree No. [2006] 1 issued by the Drug Safety and Supervision Division of SFDA). Bind the records as required by Form 7. The records may be bound with thread, glue or staples, but not in the form of loose leaves. List the contents and number the pages. Try best to bind the records of an item together. Provide original records likewise for commissioned research and contact with relative research organizations beforehand to arrange things.

    ruojun: Original records related to drug development (eg.,tests of APIs and excipients, formula and process research, quality research, stability study, pilot production and tests of the samples, pharmacology and toxicology studies, etc.) should be filed by the requirement of Temporary Regulations on Experimental Records of Drug Research (Decree No. [2006] 1 issued by the Drug Safety and Supervision Division of SFDA, see appendix 7). These records might be bound with thread, glue or staples, but not in the form of loose leaves. Contents should be listed and pages should be numbered. Try best to bind the records of an item together. For contracted or commissioned research, original records should be provided likewise. Good communications with these research institutiions should be made beforehand to make sure these requirement can be met.
