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  • chengjingbao


    Protocol3.3=true/false 协议3.3=真/假
    Only use protocol version 3.3 只适用于3.3版本
    K4000RC Viewer 4 supports both the original K4000RC version 3.3 protocol, and the new K4000RC protocol versions 3.7 and 3.8. Some third-party K4000RC software use non-standard version numbers which may cause incompatibility issues. K4000RC Viewer 4 can therefore be configured to only use the original K4000RC protocol version 3.3, ensuring compatibility even with non-standard K4000RC Servers. Note that this option may be set as a Default Option, or when making a new connection, but cannot be changed once a connection is active.
    仪器浏览器4支持的原版本号为3.3,和更新的版本号为3.7和3.8.一些t第三方的仪器软件使用不规范的版本号,为保证兼容性水平,用非标准的仪器服务器。会引起仪器的不兼容。仪器浏览器4的配置只适用于原版 3.3版,要注意的是,这一项可以设定为默认项,或者,进行一个新的连接时,不能改变一个已经激活的连接。

    AcceptBell=true/false 确认声响
    Beep when requested to by the server 当需要服务器时,有声响。
    By default, K4000RC Viewer 4 plays a default system beep when a bell event is sent by K4000RC Server. The beep can be disabled by setting AcceptBell to false.
    在默认条件下,当 一个声响事件输送到服务器时,仪器浏览器4进行一个默认系统声响, 声响可以通过设定…确认声响…假…来取消。

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  • 无名


    Protocol3.3=true/false 协议(版本)3.3=选择/不选择
    Only use protocol version 3.3 只适用于协议3.3版本
    K4000RC Viewer 4 supports both the original K4000RC version 3.3 protocol, and the new K4000RC protocol versions 3.7 and 3.8. Some third-party K4000RC software use non-standard version numbers which may cause incompatibility issues. K4000RC Viewer 4 can therefore be configured to only use the original K4000RC protocol version 3.3, ensuring compatibility even with non-standard K4000RC Servers. Note that this option may be set as a Default Option, or when making a new connection, but cannot be changed once a connection is active.
    K4000RC浏览器4不仅支持原版本3.3协议,也支持更新的版本3.7和3.8的协议.一些应用非标的K4000RC第三方软件可能导致兼容性问题. 此时可设置K4000RC浏览器4仅使用K4000RC3.3版本的协议,确保与非标K4000RC服务器的兼容.注意,这一选项可设为默认选项,或一个新的连接,但一旦连接被激活后不能被改变!

    AcceptBell=true/false 确认声响
    Beep when requested to by the server 依服务器需要发出响声
    By default, K4000RC Viewer 4 plays a default system beep when a bell event is sent by K4000RC Server. The beep can be disabled by setting AcceptBell to false.

    +关注 私聊
  • youjian000


    Protocol3.3=true/false 协议3.3=真/假
    Only use protocol version 3.3 只使用3.3版本
    K4000RC Viewer 4 supports both the original K4000RC version 3.3 protocol, and the new K4000RC protocol versions 3.7 and 3.8. Some third-party K4000RC software use non-standard version numbers which may cause incompatibility issues. K4000RC Viewer 4 can therefore be configured to only use the original K4000RC protocol version 3.3, ensuring compatibility even with non-standard K4000RC Servers. Note that this option may be set as a Default Option, or when making a new connection, but cannot be changed once a connection is active.

    +关注 私聊
  • 何当奇


    K4000RC Viewer 4 supports both the original K4000RC version 3.3 protocol, and the new K4000RC protocol versions 3.7 and 3.8. Some third-party K4000RC software use non-standard version numbers which may cause incompatibility issues. K4000RC Viewer 4 can therefore be configured to only use the original K4000RC protocol version 3.3, ensuring compatibility even with non-standard K4000RC Servers. Note that this option may be set as a Default Option, or when making a new connection, but cannot be changed once a connection is active.
    仪器浏览器4支持的原版本号为3.3,和更新的版本号为3.7和3.8.一些t第三方的仪器软件使用不规范的版本号,为保证兼容性水平,用非标准的仪器服务器。会引起仪器的不兼容。仪器浏览器4的配置只适用于原版 3.3版,要注意的是,这一项可以设定为默认项,或者,进行一个新的连接时,不能改变一个已经激活的连接。
    K4000RC浏览器4支持原K4000RC 3.3版本协议与新K4000RC协议3.7和3.8版本。有些第三方K4000RC软件使用可能导致不兼容问题的非标准版本号。因此K4000RC浏览器4可设定为仅使用原K4000RC 协议3.3版本,以确保与非标K4000RC服务器的兼容性。(even在这里不知道什么意思,ensuring 的句子结构作用也一下子无法理解)。此项可以设为默认选项,或在进行新连接时(如此设置),但连接一旦激活,则不能改变。

    +关注 私聊
  • 何当奇


    就是前面,英文里面用的是both,而不是not only,是否应该有语气上的差别?对实际应用应该没有影响

    youjian000 发表:Protocol3.3=true/false 协议3.3=真/假
    Only use protocol version 3.3 只使用3.3版本
    K4000RC Viewer 4 supports both the original K4000RC version 3.3 protocol, and the new K4000RC protocol versions 3.7 and 3.8. Some third-party K4000RC software use non-standard version numbers which may cause incompatibility issues. K4000RC Viewer 4 can therefore be configured to only use the original K4000RC protocol version 3.3, ensuring compatibility even with non-standard K4000RC Servers. Note that this option may be set as a Default Option, or when making a new connection, but cannot be changed once a connection is active.

    +关注 私聊
  • youjian000


    K4000RC Viewer 4 plays a default system beep when a bell event is sent by K4000RC Server。

    +关注 私聊
  • 无名



    redanqi 发表:K4000RC Viewer 4 supports both the original K4000RC version 3.3 protocol, and the new K4000RC protocol versions 3.7 and 3.8. Some third-party K4000RC software use non-standard version numbers which may cause incompatibility issues. K4000RC Viewer 4 can therefore be configured to only use the original K4000RC protocol version 3.3, ensuring compatibility even with non-standard K4000RC Servers. Note that this option may be set as a Default Option, or when making a new connection, but cannot be changed once a connection is active.
    仪器浏览器4支持的原版本号为3.3,和更新的版本号为3.7和3.8.一些t第三方的仪器软件使用不规范的版本号,为保证兼容性水平,用非标准的仪器服务器。会引起仪器的不兼容。仪器浏览器4的配置只适用于原版 3.3版,要注意的是,这一项可以设定为默认项,或者,进行一个新的连接时,不能改变一个已经激活的连接。
    K4000RC浏览器4支持原K4000RC 3.3版本协议与新K4000RC协议3.7和3.8版本。有些第三方K4000RC软件使用可能导致不兼容问题的非标准版本号。因此K4000RC浏览器4可设定为仅使用原K4000RC 协议3.3版本,以确保与非标K4000RC服务器的兼容性。(even在这里不知道什么意思,ensuring 的句子结构作用也一下子无法理解)。此项可以设为默认选项,或在进行新连接时(如此设置),但连接一旦激活,则不能改变。

    +关注 私聊
  • 何当奇


    Only use protocol version 3.3 只使用3.3版本

    +关注 私聊
  • youjian000


    “both...,and...” 我通常都翻译成“不但...而且...”呵呵。

    redanqi 发表:就是前面,英文里面用的是both,而不是not only,是否应该有语气上的差别?对实际应用应该没有影响

    +关注 私聊
  • chengjingbao



    youjian000 发表:我的翻译可能不严谨,呵呵。
    “both...,and...” 我通常都翻译成“不但...而且...”呵呵。
