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  • 闲鹤野云


    Ex- is a formal way for expression of "used to be", for example, my ex-wife, the ex-president ect. Former is a civil word for public use. Say former Prisident Bush.
    论坛版主(Forum moderator)?? really do not know the correct word for this title.
    Dark horse(黑马), usually people say black horse. Black is a color. Dark means not bright, does not mean a color. "At dark" means when daylight is gone. A black thing is always black whenever it is dark or bright.
    The reason that I come here is for fun and share my experience with you guys. I am working in university as a teacher and a researcher in nutrition. I have the chances to go abroad 4-5 times a year and bring foreign friends to China for vivsting.

    wrliao 发表:呵呵,往事历历在目,有趣得很。呵呵,一直不知道茅茅是我的伯乐,以为是shxie,才知道happy 是ruojun的伯乐。没有认真学习过英语,英语基础不扎实,只是凭着感觉走。
    I am confused about 论坛版主(Forum moderator???) I know 前任 is former, but what is the difference between former and ex. I know little about ex.
    And I am curious about ruojun, you are a Dark horse(黑马 is it right?). Shall you introduce yourself?And why will you come here?

    +关注 私聊
  • happyjyl


    Amazing. Which university?

    ruojun 发表:The reason that I come here is for fun and share my experience with you guys. I am working in university as a teacher and a researcher in nutrition. I have the chances to go abroad 4-5 times a year and bring foreign friends to China for vivsting.

    +关注 私聊
  • 闲鹤野云


    One in Beijing. Guess which one you like.

    happyjyl 发表:Amazing. Which university?

    +关注 私聊
  • happyjyl


    No need to guess. I can simply inquire the IP address of your computer. I just don't bother to do.

    ruojun 发表:One in Beijing. Guess which one you like.

    +关注 私聊
  • 闲鹤野云


    Smart girl. How do you do it. Show me and I would like to get your IP if possible.

    happyjyl 发表:No need to guess. I can simply inquire the IP address of your computer. I just don't bother to do.

    +关注 私聊
  • 一抹冰蓝


    Thank you for your answer. Now, I know the better word for 论坛版主 is board manager. And I think you are a bright star rather than a black horse in this forum. I do many things just follow my heart or my feeling, so I find that my intuition is always right.
    Now, I just want to guess your research field. From these key words such as nutrition, animal, analysis you gave us, I guess you are engaged in food science and nutritional engineering field. Right?

    ruojun 发表:Ex- is a formal way for expression of "used to be", for example, my ex-wife, the ex-president ect. Former is a civil word for public use. Say former Prisident Bush.
    论坛版主(Forum moderator)?? really do not know the correct word for this title.
    Dark horse(黑马), usually people say black horse. Black is a color. Dark means not bright, does not mean a color. "At dark" means when daylight is gone. A black thing is always black whenever it is dark or bright.
    The reason that I come here is for fun and share my experience with you guys. I am working in university as a teacher and a researcher in nutrition. I have the chances to go abroad 4-5 times a year and bring foreign friends to China for vivsting.

    +关注 私聊
  • 闲鹤野云


    Almost 100% Correct. Your name sounds very nice, just be carefull when the sunlight is too bright.

    wrliao 发表:Thank you for your answer. Now, I know the better word for 论坛版主 is board manager. And I think you are a bright star rather than a black horse in this forum. I do many things just follow my heart or my feeling, so I find that my intuition is always right.
    Now, I just want to guess your research field. From these key words such as nutrition, animal, analysis you gave us, I guess you are engaged in food science and nutritional engineering field. Right?

    +关注 私聊
  • happyjyl


    Well, actually I have no idea. I just asked my bf, who works in an IT company. He explained to me in detail, but I had no interest.

    ruojun 发表:Smart girl. How do you do it. Show me and I would like to get your IP if possible.

    +关注 私聊
  • 闲鹤野云


    Happy, you work late sometimes, Especially at week end. BF here means boyfriend, is that right, or boy followers?

    happyjyl 发表:Well, actually I have no idea. I just asked my bf, who works in an IT company. He explained to me in detail, but I had no interest.
