760nm DBR 单频窄线宽激光管,760nm laser diode,760nm氧气检测管


760 nm Laser Diode


  • DBR Single-Frequency Laser Chip

  • AlGaAs QW Active Layer

  • Facets passivated to withstand high power
    without catastrophic optical damage (COD)

  • Epi designed for high reliability


  • Wavelength tunable across several lines of the O2 spectrum
    around 760nm

  • Pulsed operation for spectral stability at short pulse lengths

  • High power for CW applications

  • High Slope Efficiency


This monolithic laser diode incorporates a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) for stable frequency performance over its life time. It provides a diffraction limited, single lateral and longitudinal mode beam. Facets are passivated for high reliability. The 760 nm Laser Diode is designed specifically for O2 detection. 

Handling Precautions

These devices are sensitive to ESD. When handling the module, grounded work area and
wrist strap must be used. Always store in an antistatic container with all
leads shorted togethe

How To Order

Part number example: PH760DBR040CM. Assign optical power from those available. Use a
three-digit format for all power entries. Call factory for special frequency selection and certification to certain atomic absorption lines.       

Package Type

(CS) Chip on Submount

(CM) ‘C’ Mount

(T8) TO-8

Minimum Power (mW)

040     080

760nm DBR 单频窄线宽激光管,760nm laser diode,760nm氧气检测管信息由筱晓(上海)光子技术有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于760nm DBR 单频窄线宽激光管,760nm laser diode,760nm氧气检测管报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。除供应760nm DBR 单频窄线宽激光管,760nm laser diode,760nm氧气检测管外,筱晓(上海)光子技术有限公司还可为您提供Norcada中远红外DFB激光器 2465nmDFB激光管 , 2475nmDFB激光管 , 2485nmDFB激光管, 2495nmDFB激光管 2505nmDFB激光管,3270nm中远红外气体检测激光管,中远红外可调谐DFB激光器,超快光电探测器 Alphalas UPD 320-1700nm InGaAs/Si/Ge/GaAs 488nm 一体化风冷式氩离子激光器 100mW (气体离子激光器)等产品,公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。


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