USP APP 6透皮贴剂测试专用转筒

USP APP 6透皮贴剂测试专用转筒


货号 4351380 价格 面议


USP 724 Apparatus 6

Transdermal Rotating Cylinder

透皮贴剂测试 转筒

The Apparatus 6 Rotating Cylinder is used for testing Transdermal Patches in any standard Dissolution Test Station. The optional extension is used for larger patches. The extension easily connects to the cylinder with a precision frictional fit. The Rotating Cylinder is serialized. The extension is also serialized with a serial number which corresponds to the Rotating Cylinder serial number. The precision friction fit requires the Rotating Cylinder and

optional Extension be purchased as a matched set.

APP 6 转筒可以用在任一标准溶出仪上进行透皮贴剂测试。延长筒(extension)是用于大的贴剂。精确的摩擦配合可以使延长筒联结主筒非常简单。转筒是有序列的。延长筒的序列号是跟转筒的序列号对应的,匹配序列号的转筒能够与延长筒精确联结。

USP APP 6透皮贴剂测试专用转筒 信息由弗士达仪器为您提供,如您想了解更多关于USP APP 6透皮贴剂测试专用转筒 报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。除供应USP APP 6透皮贴剂测试专用转筒 外,弗士达仪器还可为您提供液相色谱柱溶出仪过滤器-适合Hanson溶出仪胶囊沉降附件(沉降篮和架)等产品,公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。


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