DMA Supplies And Accessories N5330178,N5330613,N5337024,N5330262,N5330400 常规

DMA Supplies And Accessories N5330178,N5330613,N5337024,N5330262,N5330400 常规


货号 N5330178,N5330613,N5337024,N5330262,N5330400 价格 面议


产品名称:DMA Supplies And Accessories
仪器厂商:PerkinElmer/美国 珀金埃尔默

Cooling Accessories
DescriptionSizePart no.
LN2 Cryo Dewar with Transfer Line and Fittings1LN5330254
LN2 Cryo Dewar with Transfer Line and Fittings50LN5373009
Specialty Fixtures and Accessories
DescriptionPackagePart no.
Measuring System for Tablets
For holding non-flat tablets, capsules
and pills in compression. Can be
used with the fluid bath or the
humidity chamber as well as the
standard furnace. One side is
V-grooved and the other side has a
round groove to allow a wide range
of specimens to be held.
Material Pockets
For running pharmaceuticals,
powders and other non-self
supporting samples.
Set of 10N5330322
Set of 100N5330323
Set of 1,000N5330324
Mesh Pockets
For running pharmaceuticals, paints
and other non-supporting samples
where letting moisture and solvent in
and out is desirable.
Set of 25N5330177
Set of 100N5330178
DMA 7e Fixture Adapter
Allows use of DMA 7 fixtures in
DMA 8000.
DMA Photo Adapter
Allows use of DSC UV system light
guides with DMA 8000.
Fluid Bath Accessory*
Allows immersion of samples.
Humidity Generator**
Allows testing in controlled
relative humidity.
Time Temp Superposition SW
Allows manipulation of frequent scan
data to generate mastercurves.

DMA Supplies And Accessories N5330178,N5330613,N5337024,N5330262,N5330400 常规信息由北京博德恒悦科贸有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于DMA Supplies And Accessories N5330178,N5330613,N5337024,N5330262,N5330400 常规报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。除供应DMA Supplies And Accessories N5330178,N5330613,N5337024,N5330262,N5330400 常规外,北京博德恒悦科贸有限公司还可为您提供LC Manual Syringes 5190-1492/5190-1486/5190-1558/5190-1499/5190-1571 5190-1560/5190-1505/5190-1571/5190-1561/5190-151213 mm slot mask Static Nano-Spaceray Probe 等产品,公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。


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