CVD 2x2 inches multilayer hBN CVD铜基多层氮化硼薄膜

CVD 2x2 inches multilayer hBN CVD铜基多层氮化硼薄膜


货号 4602068 价格 ¥ 5382


Multilayer h-BN (Boron Nitride) film is grown onto 50 um thick copper foils. h-BN is an insulator with a direct band gap of 6 eV with strong ionic bonding between B-N atoms. Our h-BN CVD process has been adopted in order that defect density has been kept low (~1E10-1E11 cm-2) and single domain sizes have been increased to reduce 1D grain boudary defect concentrations. Multilayer h-BN sheets measure ~5cm x 5cm or ~2x2 inches in size.

Properties of h-BN

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