Bi2Se1.5Te1.5 碲化硒铋晶体 (Bismuth Selenide Telluride)

Bi2Se1.5Te1.5 碲化硒铋晶体 (Bismuth Selenide Telluride)


货号 4601972 价格 ¥ 7579


Bismuth Selenide Telluride (Bi?Se?.?Te?.?) is developed at our facilities. Selenium to tellurium ratio is fixed at 50-50% [Bi2Se3(1-x)Te3x x=0.5] Topological insulator is a new class of material, in which its bulk is insulating while its surface states are conducting. The surface states of topological insulator are robust against any external perturbation because such states are protected by time-reversal symmetry. Similar to transition metal dichalgonides and graphite, Bi?Se?.?Te?.? is also layered material with weak interlayer coupling. Our crystals are develop in our laboratories last year and has been perfected to provide you with the best quality and reliability. Crystals are easy to exfoliate and get down to single layer unit cell thickness. The order also comes with detailed exfoliation technique allowing you to boost exfoliation rate.

Bi2Se1.5Te1.5 碲化硒铋晶体 (Bismuth Selenide Telluride)信息由上海巨纳科技有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于Bi2Se1.5Te1.5 碲化硒铋晶体 (Bismuth Selenide Telluride)报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。除供应Bi2Se1.5Te1.5 碲化硒铋晶体 (Bismuth Selenide Telluride)外,上海巨纳科技有限公司还可为您提供单层二硒化锡非接触式/敲击式探针-轻敲-单层二硒化铼等产品,公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。


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