气相色谱填充柱〖20% Sebaconitrile/2% H3PO4〗

气相色谱填充柱〖20% Sebaconitrile/2% H3PO4〗


货号 G3591-80015|G3591-80014 价格 面议


气相色谱填充柱〖20% Sebaconitrile/2% H3PO4

部件号 产品描述
G3591-80015 GC packed column in stainless steel tubing, length 2 ft (0.61 M), 1/8 in. OD, 2 mm ID, 20% Sebaconitrile and 2% Phosphoric acid on Chromosorb PAW packing, mesh size 80/100, pre-conditioned
G3591-81015 GC packed column in UltiMetal tubing, length 2 ft (0.61 M), 1/8 in. OD, 2 mm ID, 20% Sebaconitrile and 2% Phosphoric Acid on Chromosorb PAW packing, mesh size 80/100, pre-conditioned
G3591-82015 GC packed column in Nickel tubing, length 2 ft (0.61 M), 1/8 in. OD, 2 mm ID, 20% Sebaconitrile and 2% Phosphoric Acid on Chromosorb PAW packing, mesh size 80/100, pre-conditioned
G3591-80014 GC packed column in stainless steel tubing, length 30 ft (9.14 M), 1/8 in. OD, 2 mm ID, 20% Sebaconitrile and 2% Phosphoric Acid on Chromosorb PAW packing, mesh size 80/100, pre-conditioned
G3591-81014 GC packed column in UltiMetal tubing, length 30 ft (9.14 M), 1/8 in. OD, 2 mm ID, 20%Sebaconitrile and 2% Phosphoric Acid on Chromosorb PAW packing, mesh size 80/100, pre-conditioned
G3591-82014 GC packed column in Nickel tubing, length 30 ft (9.14 M), 1/8 in. OD, 2 mm ID, 20% Sebaconitrile and 2% Phosphoric Acid on Chromosorb PAW packing, mesh size 80/100, pre-conditioned
安捷伦(Agilent) J&W 色谱科 瓦里安(Varian) SGE 毛细柱 毛细管柱 金属毛细柱 保护柱 惰性 手性 强极性 中极性 弱极性 耗材配件.
气相色谱填充柱〖20% Sebaconitrile/2% H3PO4〗信息由北京路达恒宇科技有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于气相色谱填充柱〖20% Sebaconitrile/2% H3PO4〗报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。除供应气相色谱填充柱〖20% Sebaconitrile/2% H3PO4〗外,北京路达恒宇科技有限公司还可为您提供气相色谱填充柱〖10% Kel F Chromosorb T〗DB-1毛细柱DB-608毛细柱等产品,公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。


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