Metal Packed 气相色谱柱14068-U

Metal Packed 气相色谱柱14068-U


货号14068-U 价格  ¥ 1506



Metal Packed 气相色谱柱:

General description

An economical metal column should be used for less demanding applications where the inertness of glass is not required. This column fits Agilent 5880, 5890, 6820, 6890, 7820, and 7890 (configuration C, not-on-column injection, all detectors except TCD).

Packed column made up of stainless steel are basically used when higher carrier gas flow rates are employed as they can sustain elevated pressure. Stainless steel columns are usually washed with dilute hydrochloric acid, then with water followed by methanol, acetone, methylene dichloride and n-hexane in order to remove any corrosion products and traces of lubricating agents.

material  stainless steel column
application(s)  gas chromatography (GC): suitable
L × O.D. × I.D.  3.0 ft (0.91 m) × 1/8 in. × 2.1 mm
matrix  80/100 HayeSep Q support
matrix active group  none phase
column type  packed GC


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