SPB-辛基 气相色谱柱 24218-U

SPB-辛基 气相色谱柱 24218-U


货号 24218-U 价格 ¥ 4778





SPB-辛基 气相色谱柱:

Application: The low polarity of this column approaches squalane, making it substantially less polar than that of the widely used non-polar poly(dimethyl siloxane) columns. This column offers unique selectivity compared to non-polar and intermediate polarity columns, and can be used for confirmational analyses of PCB-containing samples. 
USP Code: None 
* Bonded
* Poly(50% n-octyl/50% methyl siloxane) 
Temp. Limits:
* ≤0.32 mm I.D.: -60 °C to 280 °C (isothermal or programmed) 
* ≥0.53 mm I.D.: -60 °C to 260 °C (isothermal or programmed)


material  fused silica
Beta value  250
df  0.25 μm
application(s)  gas chromatography (GC): suitable
L × I.D.  30 m × 0.25 mm
matrix active group  Bonded; poly(50% n-octyl/50% methyl siloxane) phase
column type  capillary non-polar



* 聚(50% 正辛基/50% 甲基硅氧烷);
* 非极性(比甲基硅氧烷固定液的极性还要小);
* 键合;
* 温度范围:-60℃~ 280℃;
* 可用溶剂冲洗;
* 应用:非极性物质,PCBs 样品的确认分析。




Column: 30m x 0.25mm ID, 0.25μm film

Cat. Nos.: 24034 (SPB-5)

                  24218-U (SPB-Octyl)

Oven: 75°C (hold 8 min) to 200°C at 4°C/min (hold 5 min)

Carrier: helium, 25cm/sec, set at 110°C, splitter vent flow 90cc/min

Det.: FID, 260°C

Inj.: 250°C, split 100:1

  1. 1.α-Pinene 2. Camphene 3. β-Pinene 4. Myrcene 5. α-Phellandrene 6. 1,4-Cineole

  2. 7. α-Terpinene 8. p-Cymene 9. d-Limonene 10. γ-Terpinene11. Terpinolene

  3. 12. Linalool 13. α-Fenchyl alcohol 14. Terpinen-1-ol 15. β-Terpineol 16. Borneol

  4. 17. Terpinen-4-ol 18. α-Terpineol 19. γ-Terpineol 20. Decan21. Neral 22. Geranial

  5. 23. Neral acetate 24. Geranyl acetate 25. Dodecanal 26. β-Caryophyllene

  6. 27. trans-α-Bergamotene 28. trans-α-Farnesene 29. β-Bisabolene




SPB-辛基 气相色谱柱


SPB-辛基 气相色谱柱 24218-U 信息由北京谱朋科技有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于SPB-辛基 气相色谱柱 24218-U 报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。除供应SPB-辛基 气相色谱柱 24218-U 外,北京谱朋科技有限公司还可为您提供Surveyor 配件:Tube, Outlet, SS, OEM LC Pump | 00950-30012OV-73 固定液 | 1049Rheodyne 进样器 7725等产品,公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。


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