Kromasil 手性分析色谱柱

Kromasil 手性分析色谱柱


货号 Amycoat, AmyCoatRP 价格 面议


Polysaccharide-based Kromasil AmyCoat and CelluCoat stretch the limits for chiral chromatography. The silica is based on a proprietary matrix and coated with a functionalized amylose or cellulose selector.

Kromasil amyCoat and CelluCoat give high resolution, excellent selectivity and stable performance when switching between compatible mobile phases. Users do not have to worry about pressure limits, as both Kromasil amyCoat and CelluCoat can withstand flow rates equivalent to pressures of up to 400 bar – i.e. the limit for most standard HPlC systems.


Kromasil 手性分析色谱柱信息由诺力昂 Kromasil为您提供,如您想了解更多关于Kromasil 手性分析色谱柱报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。除供应Kromasil 手性分析色谱柱外,诺力昂 Kromasil还可为您提供Kromasil 手性分析柱Kromasil EternityXT 宽pH系列 C8(MOS)柱Kromasil Classic 正相柱 二醇基(DIOL)柱等产品,公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。


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