Prevail™ Amide 液相色谱柱

Prevail™ Amide 液相色谱柱


货号 1194802 价格 面议


Improved Peak Shape with Prevail™ Amide

• Polar Embedded Group Improves Peak Shape of Polar Samples

• Packing Media Provides Unique Selectivity

• Bonded Phase does not Collapse Under 100% Aqueous Mobile Phase

A Polar Embedded Group inserted into the hydrophobic chain of the Prevail™ Amide phase

minimizes interaction of polar samples with silanols providing symmetrical peaks for a

wide variety of applications. The spatial location of the polar amide group within the

reversed phase chain allows it to strongly interact with silanols so that your basic samples

do not. The presence of the amide group alters the selectivity of the reversed-phase packing

allowing separations often hard to achieve on conventional reversed-phase columns.

Most C18 phases are not wettable with 100% aqueous mobile phases and collapse

when challenged with an all-aqueous solvent. The amide group keeps the bonded phase

from collapsing under 100% aqueous conditions, even at pH 1.0, allowing the analyst to

use these mobile phases to more fully resolve polar analytes. Additionally this material

excels under a full spectrum of conditions including up to 100% organic mobile phase.

Prevail™ Amide 液相色谱柱信息由北京先明乐施科技发展有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于Prevail™ Amide 液相色谱柱报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。除供应Prevail™ Amide 液相色谱柱外,北京先明乐施科技发展有限公司还可为您提供散装SPE 填料 Prevail™ 液相色谱柱Cyclone系列长光程气体池等产品,公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。


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