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Made in UK, 英国EM Resist Ltd出品的光刻胶(1%-17% PMMA、SML系列电子束曝光阻剂),PMMA是常用的普通正阻剂;SML系列阻剂是高分辨率高深宽比的正阻剂。高档的SML正阻剂特点:无需邻近效应校正,低加速电压下也能使用,可提高EBL设备能力并制作出传统PMMA做不出来的新颖微纳器件,特别适合科研应用;有SML50、SML100、SML300、SML600、SML1000、SML2000等系列型号(数字表示光刻胶涂布厚度)。

[资料]PMMA (Polymethyl – Methacrylate;聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯;positive tone, polymer chain scission type for Electron beam, DUV, x-ray and multi-level lithography) is a widely used, versatile resist that is used for many imaging (and non-imaging) micro-electronic applications as well as a protective coating for wafer thinning, a bonding adhesive and as a sacrificial layer, but is commonly used as a high resolution positive resist for direct write with e-beam. EM Resist Ltd specialises in electron beam lithography resists and applications. We develop and manufacture electron beam resists in a purpose built clean-room facility to ensure maximum quality and performance.Our products and expertise are the result of many years research by experienced physicists and material scientists in both academia and industry. EM Resist products are provided in a clean room compatible box, if you need Material Safety Data Sheets, Process Information, Example design files and other useful information, please contact with our Chinese Distributor(www.tansi.com.cn).

PMMA Product Options. First,select which solvent(Anisole or Chlorobenzene) best suits your application. Second,select which solid percentage(1%-17%, 20nm-3500nm) of thickness required.Third,choose a volume to suit your usage needs.        

电子束曝光(EBL)阻剂/光刻胶信息由南京覃思科技有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于电子束曝光(EBL)阻剂/光刻胶报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。除供应电子束曝光(EBL)阻剂/光刻胶外,南京覃思科技有限公司还可为您提供EM阻剂 电镜用耗材 其他电镜配件M2N(微纳伙伴) 导电胶HFV-A100机械真空泵油等产品,公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。


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