JB-4C 精密粗糙度测试仪

  1. 类别:仪器样本
  2. 上传人:ws6868
  3. 上传时间:2006/3/10 18:37:24
  4. 文件大小:17K
  5. 下载次数:27
  6. 消耗积分 : 10积分 移动终端:免积分



JB-4C 精密粗糙度测试仪 Precision Surface Roughness Meter 产品简介 Brief JB-4C精密粗糙度仪是一种高精度触针式表面粗糙度测量仪器,该仪器可对平面,斜面,外圆柱面,内孔表面,深槽表面,圆弧面和球面等各种零件表面的粗糙度进行测试,并实现表面粗糙度的多种参数测量。仪器可方便地用于轴承滚道粗糙度的测量。 仪器配有电脑及专用测量软件,运用先进的无噪声机械定位装置,可选定被测零件的不同位置,设定各种测量长度进行自动测量,评定段内采样数据达3000个点。所有的测量数据和曲线可在屏幕显示或打印输出,所以在汽车配套行业、机械、模具加工、科研单位、大专院校等各大行业中广泛使用。 仪器符合国家标准GB/T3505-2000, GB/T6062-2001, GB/T10610-1998, 以及国际标准ISO5436, ISO11562的要求。 . JB-4C Roughness Meter is a probe-style profile measuring instrument. It is applicable to measure surface of various types of parts, such as planar, incline, cylinder, circular and spherical parts, grooves and bores. It is also applicable for measuring roughness of roll path, either outer or inner, of bearings. A precision locating mechanism is provided to ensure different type of parts to be adjusted into proper position of measurement. The profile shape of the test piece is dynamically displayed on the screen and the portion to be tested is selected quickly and conveniently. All the evaluated roughness parameters, the profile curve and the tp curve are display on the screen clearly. It is in compliance with China Standards GB/T3505-2000, GB/T6062-2001, GB/T10610-1998, and ISO5436, ISO11562.


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