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吸引素抗体 Background: Attractin is a serum glycoprotein of 175 kDaand found in both membrane-bound and secreted forms as a result of alternative splicing. Both the secreted and membrane-bound forms of attractin may be involved in the development and maintenance of the central nervous system. Membrane-bound attractin is a co-receptor for Agouti, antagonist of melanocortin-1 receptor. Secreted attractin, expressed by activated T lymphocytes and modulates interactions between T cells and monocytes/macrophages, was examined as a potential marker of immune activity. Attractinmay be a component of a pathway for regulated protein turnover that also involves mahogunin, a wide-expressed E3 ubiquitinligase found at particularly high levels in the brain. Attractinwas considered as an extracellular target amenable for the development of obesity-regulating drugs, also. Also known as: ATRN; Attractin; DPPT-L; KIAA0548; Mahogany homolog; mahogany protein; MGCA.


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