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伴侣蛋白bc1同源复合体抗体 Background: This gene encodes a mitochondrial protein similar to yeast ABC1, which functions in an electron-transferring membrane protein complex in the respiratory chain. It is not related to the family of ABC transporter proteins. Expression of this gene is induced by the tumor suppressor p53 and in response to DNA damage, and inhibiting its expression partially suppresses p53-induced apoptosis. Alternatively spliced transcript variants have been found; however, their full-length nature has not been determined. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008] Also known as: mitochondrial; aarF domain containing protein kinase 3; aarF domain-containing protein kinase 3; ADCK 3; ADCK3; ADCK3_HUMAN; CABC 1; Chaperone ABC1 (activity of bc1 complex S.pombe) like; Chaperone ABC1 activity of bc1 complex homolog; Chaperone ABC1 like; Chaperone activity of bc1 complex like; Chaperone activity of bc1 complex like mitochondrial; Chaperone activity of bc1 complex-like; Chaperone-ABC1-like; Coenzyme Q8 homolog; COQ 8; COQ8.


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