
2016/10/28   下载量: 7


应用领域 食品/农产品
检测样本 蜂蜜
检测项目 兽药残留>氯霉素
参考标准 Chloramphenicol, SPE

Automation, Chloramphenicol, GX‐271 ASPEC™, Honey, LC/MS, LC/MS‐MS, Sample Preparation, Solid Phase Extraction, SPE


This study was performed in collaboration with Curtis Hedman at the WI State
Laboratory of Hygiene, Madison, WI, USA

Chloramphenicol (CAP) is a potent broad‐spectrum antibiotic that can cause
potentially serious side effects in humans. The use of this antibiotic in foods is highly
regulated. Recent reports of honey contaminated with CAP has increased the need
for laboratories to determine the presence of CAP in imported honey samples
(Helle, N. and Gil, C., 2006; McGrath, T., 2006). The presence of CAP in honey is
typically determined by liquid chromatography‐mass spectrometry or LC/MS‐MS
(Quon, D. et al., 2006; Turnipseed, S. et al., 2002; Zhao, L. and Ball, C., 2009). Since
honey is a complex matrix and can cause ion suppression and other matrix
interferences, CAP is typically extracted by liquid/liquid extraction(LLE) followed by
purification using one or two solid phase extraction (SPE) steps prior to analysis.

These steps can be very time‐consuming, labor intensive and subject to poor
reproducibility. The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate an
automated sample preparation procedure for the determination of CAP in honey.
Three SPE cartridges were compared to determine their suitability for purification
after the liquid/liquid extraction step. LC/MS with Selected Ion Monitoring (SIM)
was utilized to evaluate and compare the overall effectiveness of removing
interferents from honey extracts using the three types of SPE cartridge. CAP
recovery was compared for the 3 brands of SPE cartridge using LC/MS‐MS. SPE for
CAP in honey from published methods (Turnipseed, S. et al., 2002; Zhao, L. and Ball,
C., 2009) was readily amenable to automation.

上一篇 (GPC)凝胶色谱法清洁食用油中的塑料添加剂(R)-(+)-1-苄基丙三醇
下一篇 Gilson HPLC系统对肠杆菌噬菌体DNA切片的高分辨率纯化




当前位置: 香港华运 方案 自动化固相萃取法对蜂蜜中氯黴素的确认


