


Photonic Quantum Computational Advantage


Oxford Instrument Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.




Webinnar (via Zoom )


5:00 pm (CST) December 9th of 2021


报告人: 陆朝阳  中国科学技术大学

Speaker: Chao-Yang Lu, University of Science andTechnology of China, China


2020年,潘建伟、陆朝阳等研究团队成功构建了76个光子100个模式的高斯玻色取样量子计算原型机“九章”,输出量子态空间规模达到了10^30,处理高斯玻色取样的速度比超级计算机快一百万亿倍。这一成果使得我国成功达到了量子计算研究的第一个里程碑:量子计算优越性(国外也称之为“量子霸权”)。今年,他们又升级到了“九章二号”,达到了113个光子。“九章”先后入选了包括中国科技年度十大进展、联合国教科文组织评选的全球十大数字创新、Falling Wall Top Ten Breakthroughs of the Year、腾讯青少年科学小会和Science评选的年度科学突破榜首等一系列奖项。



The main challenge for scaling up photonic quantum technologies is the lack of perfect quantum light sources. We have pushed the parametric down-conversion to its physical limit and produce two-photon source with simultaneously a collection efficiency of 97% and an indistinguishability of 96% between independent photons. 

Using a single quantum dot in microcavities, we have produced on-demand single photons with high purity (>99%), near-unity indistinguishability, and high extraction efficiency—all combined in a single device compatibly and simultaneously. Based on the high-performance quantum light sources, we have implemented boson sampling—which is an intermediate model of quantum computing, a strong candidate for demonstrating quantum computational advantage and refuting Extended Church Turing Thesis—with up to 76 photon clicks after a 100-mode interferometer. 

The photonic quantum computer, Jiuzhang, yields an output state space dimension of 10^30 and a sampling rate that is 10^14 faster using the state-of-the-art simulation strategy on supercomputers.

Speaker Introduction

Chao-Yang Lu was born in 1982 in Zhejiang, China. He obtained Bachelor's degree from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2004, and PhD in Physics from the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge in 2011. Since 2011, he is a Professor of Physics at USTC. His current research interest includes quantum computation, solid-state quantum photonics, multiparticle entanglement, quantum teleportation, superconducting circuits, and atomic arrays. 

His work on quantum teleportation was selected as by Physics World as “Breakthrough of the Year 2015”. His work on single-photon sources and optical quantum computing was selected by Optical Society of American (OSA) as one of “Optics in 2016”, “Optics in 2017”, and “Optics in 2019”. His work on photonic quantum computational advantage was selected by “UNESCO Netexplo 10 Digital Innovation”. 

He has been awarded as Fellow of Churchill College (2011), Hong Kong Qiu Shi Outstanding Young Scholars (2014), National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (2015), Nature’s top ten “science star of China” (2016), OSA Fellow (2017), Fresnel Prize from the European Physical Society (2017), AAAS Newcomb Cleveland Prize (2018), Huangkun Prize from Chinese Physical Society (2019), Nishina Asian Award (2019), Xplorer Prize (2019), IUPAP-ICO Young Scientist Prize in Optics (2019), OSA Adolph Lomb Medal (2020), Rolf Landauer and Charles H. Bennett Award in Quantum Computing (2021), World Economic Forum Young Global Leader (2021), and James P. Gordon Memorial Speakership (2021). He is the Chair of Quantum 2020 and has served as an editorial board member in international journals such as Quantum Science and Technology, PhotoniX, Advanced Photonics, Advanced Quantum Technology, Science Bulletin, and iScience.


Registeration: Scan the QC code below or click the link below to registration in advance!



报名链接 Registration:https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_N0la67R9RmeU_8Bi1_JnSg



当前位置: 牛津仪器 动态 12月9日全球直播:“九章”量子计算加速实验演示


