
GermanTech Co. Ltd. is a company founded in 1999 in Beijing by several Chinese scholars and entrepreneurs who have studied and worked in Europe. GermanTech builds up a cooperation platform between Germany and China in the field of measurement techniques and especially nanotechnologies. From the beginning GermanTech builds a world-leading technology pool and holds many international cooperation contacts. The detailed activities of GermanTech include:

1): representing german companies with worldwide market leadership mainly in       nanotechnologies and surface sciences (some in laser technologies). The typical companies are Omicron Vakuumphysik GmbH (UHV systems for surface sciences, especially UHV SPM), ION-TOF GmbH (time-of-flight SIMS).
2): production and sales of its own nanotechnology products like ambient Atomic Force Microscope.
3): patent management which mainly deals with researching Chinese literatures and financing Chinese patents

For the next expansion of our business development we are looking for a native Chinese for the position of technical manager with following qualification backgrounds:
a): master degree or better Ph.D. in physics or EE
b): good educated in physics or electrical engineering
c): ability to become familiar with vacuum physics, vacuum electronics and techniques
d): fluent English or even better fluent German in addition

and with following responsibilities in the field of vacuum physics and technologies:
a): technical consultancy
b): technical support
c): direct involvement and corresponding project responsibility in technical
development and manufacture
d): involvement in joined scientific research activities with our customers/cooperation partners (mostly Chinese research institutes as well as some of German research institutes).

People with working experiences in vacuum physics, and techniques and especially in UHV SPM will be preferred.

We offer to this position:
a): well-performed frequent trainings/know-how exchanges in Germany and constantly tight communication and cooperation with internationally well-know companies.
b): a reasonably well-positioned salary.
c): a good working place: Beijing
d): a long term personal perspective both in business/technical development and in research activities.

The position is to be occupied upon Feb 2002 or in special cases later.

Please feel free to simply contact us:

GermanTech Co. Ltd.
Tel: 010 – 82073793
Fax: 010 – 82070995
Contact person: Dr. Zhou Xiang-Qian, Li Xintao, He Jie


当前位置: 北京汇德信 动态 招聘


