使用 Agilent 8800 ICP-MS/MS 进行常规土壤分析

2016/07/22   下载量: 6


应用领域 环保
检测样本 土壤
检测项目 (类)金属及其化合物>银(Ag), 其它, 钙(Ca), 汞(Hg), 铁(Fe), 铜(Cu), 锌(Zn), 钠(Na), 铬(Cr), 镁(Mg), 钒(V), 钡(Ba), 铝(Al), 镉(Cd), 镍(Ni), 锑(Sb), 锰(Mn), 钾(K), 铅(Pb), 砷(As), 钼(Mo), 铍(Be), 硒(Se), 钴(Co), 铊(Tl)
参考标准 -

Quadrupole ICP-MS (ICP-QMS) is one of the most widely used analytical techniques in inorganic testing laboratories, due to its performance characteristics of high sensitivity, low detection limits, wide dynamic range, and high speed multi-element analysis.


Quadrupole ICP-MS (ICP-QMS) is one of the most widely used analytical techniques in inorganic testing laboratories, due to its performance characteristics of high sensitivity, low detection limits, wide dynamic range, and high speed multi-element analysis.

Recent advances have seen a dramatic improvement in matrix tolerance: Agilent’s High Matrix Introduction (HMI) technology uses aerosol dilution to reduce the sample matrix load on the plasma, ensuring that much higher matrix levels—up to % levels of total dissolved solids (TDS)—can be analyzed routinely.

Control of interferences has also been improved significantly, with Agilent’s octopole-based collision/reaction cell (CRC) operating in helium (He) collision mode to eliminate a wide range of matrix based polyatomic interferences using one set of cell conditions [1]. Reliable and accurate quantitation of all required elements at the regulated levels in a wide variety of sample matrices is now possible using ICP-QMS. However, some applications require greater sensitivity for some specific elements, while some complex sample matrices may cause spectral interferences that remain a challenge.

上一篇 利用透射拉曼光谱对软凝胶胶囊进行定量与鉴定测试
下一篇 使用 Agilent 4200 微波等离子体原子发射光谱仪直接测定经氢氟酸消解的土壤中的 Cu、Fe、Mn、P、Pb 和 Ti


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当前位置: 安捷伦 方案 使用 Agilent 8800 ICP-MS/MS 进行常规土壤分析


