利用 GC-ICP-MS/MS 以亚 ppb 级的检测限分析氢化物气体污染物PH3

2017/12/20   下载量: 6


应用领域 环保
检测样本 废气
检测项目 分子态无机污染物>其它
参考标准 -

Hydride gases, such as phosphine and arsine, are important contaminants in process chemicals used in both the petrochemical and semiconductor industries. For example, the presence of phosphine, arsine, hydrogen sulfide and carbonyl sulfide in polymer grade ethylene or propylene can have a deleterious effect on catalysts used in the production of polypropylene plastics. Accurate data on the concentrations of these contaminants at trace levels enables prediction of catalyst lifetime and minimizes production downtime.In the semiconductor industry, phosphine is used as a precursor for the deposition of group III-V compound semiconductors, and as a dopant in the manufacturing of semiconductor devices, such as diodes and transistors. In the case of group III-V compound materials, such as indium phosphide (InP), absence of other hydride dopant impurities e.g., silane, germane or hydrogen sulfide (and moisture) is critical, as they can have a profound effect on the performance of the final device. In particular, incorporated sulfur from hydrogen sulfide and carbonyl sulfide may affect the electrical properties of

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下一篇 使用 Agilent 7900 ICP-MS 测定钢材中的痕量元素Co


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当前位置: 安捷伦 方案 利用 GC-ICP-MS/MS 以亚 ppb 级的检测限分析氢化物气体污染物PH3


