
will be  held on October 15-16, 2007 at the Four Seasons Biltmore Hotel in Santa Barbara, CA.
Register for the ILSC now!

Plenary Speakers 2007

Dr. Byron Caughey, NIH/NIAID Rocky Mountain Laboratories
"The Most Infectious Prion Protein Particles"
Professor Howard Dintzis, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
"Some Protein Interactions as Studied By Photon Scattering Over the Decades"
Dr. Marshall Fishman, United States Department of Agriculture
"Application of SEC, MALS, VIS, and Microscopy to the Structural Characterization of Plant Polysaccharides"
Dr. Wolfgang Fraunhofer, Abbott Bioresearch Center-
"Applications of Field Flow Fractionation, Static and Dynamic Light Scattering in the Development of Biopharmaceuticals"
Professor Andrew Lyon, Georgia Institute of Technology
"Hydrogels in Physics and Biology"
Dr. Allen Minton, National Institutes of Health
"Quantitative Characterization of Protein-Protein Interactions in Highly Concentrated Solution Via Measurement of Static Light Scattering and Other Colligative Properties"
Dr. Vincent Turula, Wyeth Vaccines
"Application of SEC-MALS from vaccine development to commercial manufacturing"
Dr. Michael Washabaugh, Merck & Co. Inc.
"Characterization & Comparability of Gardasil®, a Recombinant HPV Vaccine"


当前位置: 美国怀雅特 动态 第18届国际光散射研讨会即将开幕


