
United States Patent List

4,541,719 Method and apparatus for characterizing microparticles and measuring their response to their environment
4,548,500 Process and apparatus for identifying or characterizing small particles
4,616,927 Sample cell for light scattering measurements
4,693,602 Method and apparatus for measuring the light scattering properties of small particles
4,710,025 Process for characterizing suspensions of small particles
4,907,884 Sample cell monitoring system
5,404,217 Laser liquid flow cell manifold system and method for assembly
5,475,235 Control of laser light power output for use in light scattering instruments by inducing mode hopping and averaging results
5,528,366 Precision determination for molecular weights
5,530,540 Light scattering measurement cell for very small volumes
5,676,830 Method and apparatus for reducing band broadening in chromatographic detectors
5,900,152 Apparatus to reduce inhomogeneities in opitcal flow cells
6,128,080 Extended range interferometric refractometer
6,452,672 Self cleaning optical flow cell
6,426,794 Optical flow cell incorporating automatic self-cleaning
6,411,383 Method for measuring the 2nd virial coefficient
6,651,009 Method for determining average solution properties of macromolecules by the injection method
pending Method for determining absolute number densities of particles in suspension
pending Method for correcting the effects of interdetector band broadening
pending Refractometer cell for both absolute and differential refractive index measurements of fluids
pending Enhanced sensitivity differential refractometer measurement cell


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