每周分享:Putting the Squeeze on CH4 and CO2 through Control over Interpenetration in Diamondoid Nets

       今天给大家分享的是2014年3月份《Journal of the American Chemical Society》上发表的一篇名为:Putting the Squeeze on CH4 and CO2 through Control over Interpenetration in Diamondoid Nets,文章摘要如下:

We report the synthesis, structure, and sorption properties of a family of eight diamondoid (dia) metal–organic materials (MOMs) that are sustained by Co(II) or Zn(II) cations linked by one of three rigid ligands: 4-(2-(4-pyridyl)ethenyl)benzoate (1), 4-(pyridin-4-yl)benzoate (2), and 4-(pyridin-4-yl)acrylate (3). Pore size control in this family of dia nets was exerted by two approaches: changing the length of the linker ligand from 1 to 3, and using solvent as a template to control the level of interpenetration in nets based upon 1 and 3. The resulting MOMs, dia-8i-1, dia-5i-3, dia-7i-1-Zn, dia-7i-1-Co, dia-4i-3-a, dia-4i-3-b, dia-4i-2, and dia-4i-1, exhibit 1D channels with pore limiting diameters (PLDs) of 1.64, 2.90, 5.06, 5.28, 8.57, 8.83, 11.86, and 18.25 ?, respectively. We selected dia nets for this study for the following reasons: their 1D channels facilitate study of the impact of pore size on gas sorption parameters in situations where pore chemistry is similar (pyridyl benzoate-type linkers) or identical (in the case of polymorphs), and their saturated metal centers eliminate open metal sites from dominating sorbent–solvate interactions and possibly masking the effect of pore size. Our data reveal that smaller pore sizes offer stronger interactions, as determined by the isosteric heat of adsorption (Qst) and the steepness of the adsorption isotherm in the low-pressure region. The porous MOM with the smallest PLD suitable for physisorption, dia-7i-1-Co, was thereby found to exhibit the highest Qst values for CO2 and CH4. Indeed, dia-7i-1-Co exhibits a Qst for CH4 of 26.7 kJ/mol, which was validated through grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation studies of CH4 adsorption. This Qst value is considerably higher than those found in covalent organic frameworks and other MOMs with unsaturated metal centers. These results therefore further validate the critical role that PLD plays in gas adsorption by porous MOMs.

       该文章中材料表征采用的是美国麦克仪器ASAP 2020,使用该仪器获得材料气体吸附脱附等温线。





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