
Quantachrome Instruments Releases the QUADRASORB SI Surface Area and Pore Size Analyzer

Quantachrome Instruments announced today, June 22, 2004, the worldwide launch of their new QUADRASORB SI Surface Area and Pore Size Analyzer. Totally new from top-to-bottom, the QUADRASORB SI features four independent sample ports to satisfy the analytical throughput needs of any laboratory. The four sample ports are operated simultaneously and independently allowing new sample measurements to be initialized as soon as previous measurements conclude.  Multi-point BET surface area results for four samples can be completed in as little as 30 minutes. Quantachrome Instruments’ patented TempComp™.coolant level compensation, MaxiDose™ dosing method and continuous Po measurement at each analysis port delivers consistent and accurate results. Nitrogen, argon, and carbon dioxide gas capabilities are standard. Micropore measurements or low-surface area Krypton measurements are possible with optional integrated, oil-free turbomolecular pump and 10 torr pressure sensor. The QUADRASORB SI is controlled by Windows® based software generating reports with a comprehensive range of classical and modern surface area and pore size models, (a 21 CFR Part 11 compliant version is available for the pharmaceutical industry).

The QUADRASORB SI features four independent coolant Dewars, four 1000 torr cell transducers for independence and maximum sensitivity, and four dedicated P0 measurement cells – all for high-accuracy, independent, high-throughput operation.

In addition to the base model QUADRASORB SI, a low-area Krypton and micropore capable model – the QUADRASORB SI – Kr/MP is offered.  This configuration includes a low-range 10 torr manifold transducer and an oil-free, turbomolecular vacuum pumping system for micropore size measurements and low area / Krypton studies.

Void space determination can be performed by either classical Helium void volume measurement or by NOVA style cell calibration, and two new dosing routines (in addition to MaxiDoseTM) are offered : A fixed volume dosing mode (0.1 cc to 10 cc per point), and a delta volume mode which automatically adds data points in regions of high uptake.

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