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Company profile

    吉林市天宝机械制造有限公司创立于1990年,是致力于发展中国分析仪器配件事业的高科技企业。经过十余年的艰苦奋斗和不断创新现已成长为同行业中领先企业、不断研究开发新产品、满足社会的需求。我公司对外精加工,石墨零部件已有十几年的历史,拥有高精加工技术和先进的加工设备。承接加工的精密零件,还在日本、美国、澳大利亚等国家深受用户的好评。我公司对各种零部件的精加工积累了丰富的经验,强化了检测手段,配备了可靠的检测仪器。保证产品质量的体系,各项性能指标达到了同行业和国际先进水平。  我公司可以向国内外用户提供各种分析仪器原子吸收石墨炉,国内独家生产PE机型、一体化高灵敏度正体石墨管(装溶液50微升)、各种型号石墨锥、各型号石墨管、石墨平台(石墨舟);各型号气体分析仪器石墨坩埚、各尺寸石墨滑片(石墨柱)、石墨烧结棒、异型石墨模具、石墨结晶器、无油石墨轴承、各型号热电耦石墨保护套、石墨密封圈。也可以来图带料加工。天宝公司愿与您共同发展。以先进的产品和优良的服务回报客户。我们对用户进行质量承诺,以优质、高效、快捷、诚信、立足国内外新老客户,以一流的生产技术、精湛的制造工艺,可靠的质量保证,走向国际市场,欢迎国内外人士光临、洽谈指导。  JiLin TianBao Instrument Manufacture Ltd Co is a high-tech enterprise manufacturing analytical instrument and accessories. It was founded in 1990. After more than 10 years of hard work and continuous innovation, TianBao has become a leading company on the profession with high process technology and advanced process equipment for graphite accessories to satisfy various social requirements. The precise accessories processed by TianBao have got appreciation of customers in Japan, America, Australia and other countries. We have abundant experience, advanced test facilities, reliable test equipment for accessory precise process to ensure leading quality of the product.  Our company can provide various analytical AAS graphite furnace, various graphite cone, graphite tube, graphite platform, graphite crucible for gas analysis, graphite gleithretter (graphite column), graphite sinter pole, heterotype graphite mould, graphite crystallizer, oil free bearing, thermocouple graphite protecting jacket, graphite obturating ring. You may offer material and design paper and we'll process the product for your demand. TianBao provide quality product and excellent service in return to our customers.    We believe that we'll rely on first-class manufacture technique, excellent process technology, reliable quality guarantee to satisfy domestic and abroad customers.      联  系  方  式  通信地址:吉林市船营区冯家屯欢喜路4号  邮政编码:132012  公司名称:吉林市天宝机械制造有限公司  开户银行:吉林市农行致和支行  账    号:07-263001040001125  联 系 人:于小姐    手    机:13604464700     13704320725    E_mail:jltb_@hotmail.com ,yhaiyan@126.comQ Q:326099010  网  站: http://jltbgs.cn.alibaba.com        

Business information
当前位置: 吉林天宝 简介


